Chapter 28

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Draco's POV

"Harry! Come on, we've got to get up!" I told him. He had a hard time sleeping last night and so now he's refusing to get up.

"I don't want to! My head hurts, I feel like I haven't slept in a week. Not to mention, I don't want to be seen. I just want to sleep." He replied, his face stuffed into the pillow.

I sighed. "Fine. I'll bring breakfast up here." I said to him. I could see him smile slightly. "But that does not mean you get to sleep all day! We've got homework to do later." He grunted.

"Ok. Fine."

I kissed his head lightly before leaving the dorm heading towards the Great Hall.

It doesn't really matter if he doesn't leave the dorm today, it's Sunday so we don't have any plans other than homework.

He did have a lot of nightmares last night. Most of them were about the Weasel and the Weasley family. He's having a hard time accepting what his best friend had done.

I don think Weasley regrets it now, however. The expression on his face told me so, but Harry's stubborn and he's not gonna forgive him for awhile. It's really up to him at this point.

However, I am worried about Harry. He seems to be acting a bit off since dinner the other day when Umbridge outed us to the school.

I sighed, people make things complicated for no reason.

I was about halfway to the Great Hall when I got stopped. The she-weasel herself stood before me.

"What do you want?" I sneered.

"You manipulated my boyfriend!" She screeched.

Does she mean Harry? This chick honestly thinks that Harry likes her?

"He's not your boyfriend. He's mine and I don't appreciate you trying to claim him like he's some prize to be won." I explained to her, kind of bored of the conversation.

"He's mine! Not yours! You're nothing but a failure to the wizarding race. You've fallen so low being a death eater that you need Harry to bring you back up!"

Oh no she didn't!

"Oh please you're not pretty enough to be this stupid. You honestly think I'm only using Harry? Then you honestly don't know him. He's smarter than that and trust me we've already been down that road of whether or not I'm fake. So I suggest you keep your ugly mouth shut before I curse you." I began walking past her.

"Did you just insult me?! How dare you!"

"I didn't insult you. I described you. Get it right."

"That's it!"

She whipped out her wand and began casting spell after spell.

I too pulled out my wand and simply dodged most of them as she growled in irritation.

"You're not getting anywhere like that." I said simply. This is a waste of my time.

"Shut up!" She changed her tactic and it caught me off guard for a moment.

The spell grazed my cheek and I could feel it throbbing. But that was the last time I let her spells near me.

"Ginny! Stop!" A voice called out.

"I won't, Ron! He deserves to be-"

"Stop it now, Ginny. He doesn't deserve it-"
"Because you started it." The Weasley twins stepped in. Fred put his hand on her shoulder while George took her wand.

They turned to me. "Sorry about that. We'll keep an eye on her from now on."
"We didn't think she'd go this far."
"Anyway. We don't mind you dating Harry."
"But if you hurt him, we'll mount your head in our kitchen."

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