Chapter 20

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Draco's POV

Quick update. A couple of days have passed, Christmas break is just around the corner. There still is no cure for Harry, but that's not even the worst of it.

I woke up to hear someone screaming bloody murder. My body jolted upward, completely startled. When my eyes finally focused from sleep, I noticed Harry tossing and turning. He kept shouting. "Please! Stop! Don't hurt him! Leave him alone!"

Everyone in the dorm room easily heard Harry's scream and Blaise lit some candles with the flick of his wand to give us more light. When we realized how badly Harry was breathing, screaming, and turning, all of us jumped out of our beds and straight to his side.

"What's going on?!" Crabbe shouted.

"He's having a nightmare." I replied. I began shaking him, but he wouldn't wake up. "Harry! Get up!"

"Has this happened before?" Goyle asked. I shook my head.

"Not like this."

"What do we do?" He asked to no one in particular, only hoping to get an answer from someone.

"I-I'm gonna go get Snape." Blaise shouted, bolting out of the room.

"Harry please!" I shouted later as blaise left.

"Don't hurt him!" Harry screamed. Sweat ran down his forehead and the blanket no longer was on the bed. Harry's scar seemed to burn a brighter red than usual.

Hurt who? What's he even dreaming about?

"Harry!" I shouted again, but louder. He bolted up right, but the instant he did, we all noticed his face go slightly green before he leaned over to the side of his bed and threw up. I casted a quick cleaning spell on the ground and at Harry.

Then I placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright?"

Harry jerked away from my touch. "Who's there? I n-need to see Dumbledore!"

"It's your dorm mates, Harry. Do you not remember where you are?" I asked him. He seemed to sigh slightly, before panicking all over again.

Harry got himself out of the bed and tried to stand, only to fall over. "I have to see him! He's hurt! We have to help him!"

"What are you talking about?" I could see the fear so present in his eyes, almost like he watched someone die in front of him and he's holding onto that slither of hope that he's still alive.

The door to the dorm room slammed open. Snape and Blaise both appeared on the other side of it. "What's going on here?" Snape's alert, yet calm voice echoed through the room.

"I have to see Dumbledore, it's urgent." He tried climbing out bed again, but I only pushed him down. "Let me go, Draco!"

"It was only a dream, you're fine. You just need to calm down." I told him, but he wasn't listening.

"I know what I saw! It wasn't a dream! Now just let me go!"

"Mr. Potter, I think that's enough." Snape said coming up next to me.

Harry shot him the coldest look I've ever seen in his direction. "Don't tell me it's enough, if I don't see Dumbledore now, then someone's going to die!" He yelled loudly, his voice cracking from all the strain.

The room went silent. He sounded desperate. Maybe we should let him go. If anyone can figure this out, it's Dumbledore.

Snape, as if reading my mind, sighed. "Alright, Mr. Potter. Draco, you'll be coming with us and help him get there." I nodded my head and helped Harry stand up.

He was physically weak, dried tears present down his pale cheeks, his eyes red and puffy, yet wandered as he couldn't see what was going on around him constantly.

I followed professor Snape out of the Slytherin common room and down the hallway.

When we made it to Dumbledore's office, Harry quickly explained what occurred in his dream. He didn't seem to get too far into it though.

The weirdest thing happened. Dumbledore refused to look or even speak to Harry the entire time.
Even though he seemed to believe Harry, he wasn't listening.

I looked up towards Snape and saw him wearing the same expression on his face as I.

Neither of us seemed to understand the tension between the two before us.

Harry stretched his neck out of irritation. Even though he was blind, Dumbledore's lack of words communicated very well to Harry about how much Dumbledore seemed to completely ignore his presence.

"Look at me!" He shouted out of anger and frustration. It startled me for a second and I flinched at the hostility and anger seeping out of his words and body posture.

To be honest, in that moment he didn't look like himself and it terrified me.

Dumbledore froze, just as startled as the rest of us, and turned his attention directly to Harry. "Ok, Harry. I'm looking." He said simply, in a calming voice in hopes to calm down the fuming teenage boy.

Harry then took that opportunity to have the attention and went back to explaining his story.

Apparantly he watched Arthur Weasley get attacked by a snake in the ministry of magic, but he didn't describe it as some ordinary snake, no it was Nagini. Voldemort's pet.

Dumbledore ended up calling the entire Weasley family to the office and sent one of the men in the many portraits immediately to the ministry.

The whole Weasley family stayed huddled together in anticipation. Harry sat in a chair across from everyone. He looked exhausted and completely stressed out.

I set my hand on his thigh in an attempt to calm him, but he flinched violently. "Shh. It's just me." I whispered. He visibly relaxed and put his hand gently on top of mine.

Not too long later a reply came and Arthur Weasley was found and is being sent to St. Mungo's with no life threatening injuries.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, except for Harry.

"What's wrong Harry? Shouldn't you be happy about this?" I asked him.

"I am. I'm just concerned about how I knew is all. How is it that my dream really happened?"

"I don't know, but we'll figure it out." Slowly everyone left the room including us. Harry and I walked back to the dorm room.

When we got there everyone was awake waiting for us.

"Is everything alright?" Blaise asked.

Harry smiled lightly at nothing particular, but we knew it was aimed at Blaise. "It is now. I'm sorry for startling everyone."

"It's alright." Goyle said.

We all decided it was late and time to sleep. I helped Harry get into his bed.

"Draco?" He asked softly.


"Stay with me? Please?" I smiled down at him before moving the blanket so I could climb in with him.

Harry instantly snuggled up close to me and sighed. "Thank you." He whispered.

"No need. I'm happy to be here for you." Harry pulled away slightly from me.

"You are? Even after everything?"

"Of course. Believe it or not, but you're important to me now, Harry. Nothing's gonna change that." I told him honestly.

He smiled showing off his dazzling white teeth. "You're important to me too."

"Harry. Can I try something?" He looked confused, but nodded his head giving me permission.

I leaned in close and fanned my breath across his face. I want to give him a chance to back away if that's what he wants, but he didn't.

So I went in for it. His breathing hitched as my lips brushed his and his eyes closed. Our lips met and it felt like a thousand fire works were going off in my head.

We moved in perfect sync. It was perfect. He's perfect.

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