Chapter 29

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Harry's POV

Days had gone by. The school is getting worse and no one knows where Dumbledore is. I'm freaking out about it because usually Dumbledore has said something to me by now.

"Harry!" Draco and I were walking to potions when Hermione stopped me.

"Yeah?" I asked, stopping in my steps to look at her.

"I've talked to Ron. He's really sorry Harry. He said that it just shocked him and it came out wrong." She said.

"He's my best friend, Hermione, but what he said was just awful."

"I know, but he wants to apologize to you if you let him."

I sighed. "Fine, I'll hear him out, but if he does anything then I'm out."

She smiled at me. "Deal." She said.

"Mr. Potter!" I turned my head away from Hermione to see who was calling me this time.

Professor McGonagall came striding towards me in a quick paced manner.

"Is something wrong professor?" I asked her.

"Come with me. Mr. Malfoy, come along too." Draco and I looked at each other before following after McGonagall.

She led us to Dumbledore's office. She said the password and we hurried up the steps to the wooden door up above.

"Professor, is something wrong?" I asked. She did not answer my question as she entered the room.

The minister, Umbridge, and a few others stood in the room around Dumbledore.

"Just in time." Dumbledore said. "Harry, how are you my dear boy?"

"Uh, fine. What's going on professor?" I asked Dumbledore.

"Now's not the time for small talk, Albus. Now come. We best be going." The minister said.

"Going? Professor what's he talking about?" I asked Dumbledore. He simply stood from his seat next to his desk and turned to me.

"Harry. I'll be going away for awhile. Dolores Umbridge will be the new headmaster while I'm away."

"What?! This is crazy! Where are you going!? Why?!" I asked him taking a step towards him.

"He'll be going to Azkaban for plotting against the Ministry." Umbridge explained.

"Plotting against the ministry? Dumbledore would never!" I shouted at her. "You're lying! He would never do that! You've got it all wrong!"

"Harry! Calm down." Draco gripped my upper arm.

"They're falsely accusing him! I can't just sit back while they take him to Azkaban! I won't!"

"Harry! It'll be fine." He told me gently. There was a glint in his eye and a smile on his face.

Why would he be smiling at a time like this? They're gonna take him away!
"I never said I would go willingly."

I froze in my tracks.

"And what do you mean by that?" Umbridge asked.

Fawkes all of a sudden flew above Dumbledore. He clasped his hands above him and in a flash of blaring light and fire, he vanished.

"Where did he go?!" The minister asked. "He couldn't have gotten far. Dolores. Take care of things here. We'll need to find Albus and soon." The minister and the other men in the room left.

Dumbledore. He's on the run because of me, he helped me in my trial, he stood by my side when others called him a fraud. The ministry came after him because of me, because I was too weak last year to take care of Voldemort before he got his original form back. This is all my fault!

Umbridge turned to us. "Your assistance is no longer needed Minerva. Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Potter, you will stay here and receive a detention."

"I highly doubt-"

"I wasn't asking for your opinion on the matter. Now, I suggest you get back to teaching your class."

McGonagall pursed her lips before turning and walking out of the room.

"Now, boys. Have a seat."

"Mr. Malfoy, I have heard back from your father and he is thoroughly disappointed in you. When you return home he will punish you accordingly, until then you better stay out of trouble or your father will come to the school and pull you out permanently."

My teeth clenched. He hasn't done anything and yet, Umbridge is making his life hell.

Draco paled slightly. I know he said he didn't care what his father may do, but I know he does. Not only that, but if he goes home, he'll get hurt.

"And as for you Mr. Potter. It would seem that you have not learned from your other detentions. And so you'll be writing more lines for me today."

"What?! But he didn't do anything!" Draco stood up and shouted.

"It's his fault Dumbledore got away and so he will be punished accordingly." She stated. "You are no longer needed here, Mr. Malfoy. You may head back to class now."


"Draco. I'll be fine. I'll see you in a bit, yeah?" I didn't look at him as I said this.


"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. I don't want you getting into anymore trouble, ok?"

He stood there for a moment before replying. " Fine. Just come find me right after." I nodded my head as he left.

"Now, you may begin. You'll be writing the same thing, but twice as much this time around."

I began writing the lines and the words carved themselves deeper and deeper into my skin.

"This is punishment for everything you have done. If Dumbledore dies it will be entirely your fault." She said, trying to strike a cord with me and it worked, just not in the way she wanted.

I froze.

My fault if he dies? What if something does happen to him? What if he does get hurt? It will be my fault because all he ever did was try to protect me from the ministry because I was too weak.

I continued to write the lines up until dinner time came and she finally released me from my prison.

When I got back to the dorm room, Draco sat on the bed, waiting for me.

"Harry." He stood up and came towards me. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah." I said numbly. He took my arm and rolled up my sleeve slightly to see the damage she had done.

He bit his lip. The cuts were deep and blood still dripped down off of my arm. "It's worse than the last time. You rest here and I'll go see if Snape has a pain relief potion."

I nodded my head. Draco directed me to the bed. "Draco? I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. I'll be right back, ok?"

He left the room.

My thoughts swarmed me. I know I shouldn't be thinking about what Umbridge said, but I can't help it. She's right. Dumbledore, Draco, Ron, Ginny.

It's all my fault.


This chapter seemed a bit rushed, sorry about that. I got distracted and wasn't able to spend as much time on it that I usually do. Hope you guys enjoyed!

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