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This is unedited. Hope y'all enjoy this chapter!!


A lot has happened in my life since everything that occurred when I was five. After months of physical therapy I regained my strength and was back to walking without assistance. Mama, Daddy, and I started going on jogs together. After we found out she was pregnant, Daddy and I would still go for jogs and we would go for walks with her.

When I was nine, Mama gave birth to my first little brother, Neil. Two months later they started fostering five month old Noah, adopting him about a year later. At eleven, Dad left to take Noah and Neil to his parents house and I was staying with Mama as she was pregnant again and being induced the next day. She didn't have to wait to be induced because she went into labor and I'm talikng water breaking, this kid is coming right now. I called Dad from Mom's phone and 911 from mine. We all realized very quickly that Dad nor the ambulance would make it to us before this kid was born, I would have to help Mama deliver. The operator talked me through what to do and that's how my little brother Nicolas came into the world.

Everything was good until I turned twelve and a monster, worse than any before, entered our lives. I had asked Mama to pick me up after school one day because I didn't feel well and didn't want to go to volleyball practice. She agreed and the two of us went home. Dad would be home later, after he picked up dinner then the boys from daycare. Needless to say, it's a day I'll never forget. When Mama and I got home, we came face to face with a monster; William Lewis.

He filled us with booze and pills for three days, burning us with various objects. I could handle the punches, kicks, and even the burns, but what I couldn't handle was what he did that third day. He broke Mama and I that day; the day he raped me. I remember that day vividly; him taunting her that he would ruin her precious baby girl, her begging for him to do it to her instead, and me screaming stop and crying out for Mama. After he finished he delivered one final blow, a shot to my chest, before Aunt Amanda and the rest of the unit bursted in. They shot and killed him when he opened fire on them. An inch to the left and the bullet he put in my chest would've killed me instantly.

Before Mama and I were released from the hospital, Daddy, the boys, and our family and friends moved us into a new house about two blocks from the old one. Mama and Daddy had been looking at it for about a week before Mama and I were kidnapped. Daddy didn't want any of us staying in the same house where that sadistic monster had been. The first week was rough! Nightmares every night and my anxiety was worse than it has ever been. It was the first night of our second week in the new house when I almost changed all our lives. That night I tried to end it all and I would've succeeded had Mama not come to check on me when she did. She told Daddy but nobody else. We had a long talk and I agreed to go to therapy.

The bounce back from the physical injuries took about three months, the psychological damage though took a lot longer and hours of therapy. I still have nightmares of those three days and I know Mama does too. I don't think she's forgiven herself for what happened, even though it wasn't her fault.

Now at the age of fourteen, I've adjusted pretty well, I think. I've had a few children's books published over the years, given talks on sexual assault and domestic violence with Mama, and became the first freshman in the history of our school to be captain of the volleyball team and cheer squad. I'm also in the process of launching a tech company with Christian, Emily, Valerie, Vanessa, and some other friends. They've stood by me through everything. Christian and I started dating the summer before seventh grade and we're stronger than ever.

As a family we've grown closer through our trials and tribulations. Jason, Cole, and Adam still aren't big on me and neither are their kids. When Jason's twin daughters transferred to my school they thought they would be the stars of the volleyball team but they were wrong. I hear about how they don't get enough playing time at every family gathering. Laughing every time, I just walk away. They need to learn that they're not always going to get what they want, something I learned long ago.

I still see Steven and Mallory around because their kids go to the same school as me. Their oldest son is a year older than me. Their second oldest son and oldest daughter are my age. Followed my a little girl the same age as Neil and Noah and another little girl the same age as Nicolas.

Even though we all knew he was the reason for Levi Reynolds being at the school all those years ago, there was never enough evidence to charge him. Same way with the accident that nearly killed Daddy and I. We know he had something to do with it but since Ms. Cabot took the fall, he couldn't be charged. It wouldn't surprise me if he had something to do with Ms. Nelson's disappearance, especially since she's never been found, dead or alive.

At our urging, shortly after we turned fourteen, the adults sat us down and discussed the case with us. Emily had the hardest time with this information. She was pissed about how things played out and how the system failed. After many talks we both agree while we'll never be okay with the outcome of the case, we can't let it rule our lives. Knowing that the justice system doesn't always get the guilty party is a hard pill to swallow.

Looking forward I know I'll continue to grow and become stronger. My future is bright and promising. And to think all this was set in motion becasue a crime hit too close to home.

All mistakes are mine. Vote, comment, and tell a friend! We've now come to the end of this story. I really hope y'all have enjoyed and I thank you all for joining me on this journey. I have a second story in the works if anyone is interested.
Until next time.
Much love!!

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