Chapter 5

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This is unedited. Hope y'all enjoy this chapter.

Olivia's POV:

"Olivia!" I hear as soon as I exit the courtroom. Looking up as I pull my phone from my blazer pocket, I spot Casey, Liz, Cragen, and the rest of the squad.

"What's going on guys?"

"Tina and Malcolm sent us. They started worrying because you haven't made it to the hospital yet." Cragen tells me.

Confused, I ask, "Why are they at the hospital?" I've got a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"You didn't tell her?" Casey questions, looking over my shoulder.

I glance over my shoulder at Alex before looking at Casey again. She looks sad and like she's been crying. In fact, they all look sad except Dani.

"Somebody better tell me what the hell is going on!" I exclaim, powering my phone on, only for it to go off for almost a minute with missed call and text notifications.

Placing a hand on my shoulder, Casey says gently, "Honey, there's been an accident."

Tears blur my vision and I feel hands grab my arms, keeping me standing. My grip on my phone grows tighter.

"What happened?" I ask Casey.

"Trevor and JJ were driving through an intersection about a block away from school when they were t-boned. Cragen spoke to officers on the scene and they said Trevor refused to go to the hospital until they got JJ out of the car."

Her eyes flick to those surrounding us.

"What aren't you telling me, Casey?" I ask through my tears.

I feel the hands on my arms tense slightly.

"The rear passenger side took the brunt of the impact. The force of the impact caused the car to roll and it landed on the passenger side. Trevor was conscious and told them to call you and they sent an officer to tell you. By the time Cragen was informed and alerted the rest of us, you had already been told. At least that's the impression we were under until Tina and Malcolm called. Cragen got a hold of the officer that was supposed to inform you, only to find out you were on the stand and that she told Alex, thinking she would request a recess so that you could leave."

I thrust my phone into Casey's hand and shake off the hands on my arms, spinning on my heel to face Alex. Lunging at Alex, I'm grabbed and held back by Fin and Elliot.

"How could you keep something like that from me?" I nearly scream at her.

Rolling her eyes she states, "I needed you to focus on your testimony." She smirks.

As much as I want to beat the shit out of her, right now I need to get to the hospital. Shaking Fin and Elliot off, I grab my phone from Casey and head to the elevator, calling Tina. She tells me that Trevor and JJ have both been taken into surgery already and she doesn't yet know the extent of their injuries. After letting her know I'll be there in twenty minutes or less, she informs me my parents and brothers just showed up, apparently the accident was on the news. Ending the call, I ride down with the squad, Casey, and Liz. Going down the steps of the courthouse, I make my way with Casey and Liz to Cragen's car, Elliot and Dani riding with Munch and Fin. Turning the lights and sirens on, Cragen floors it, trying to get us to the hospital as fast as possible.

Screeching to a halt in a parking spot, we all jump out and go inside. By the time we're on the elevator going up to the surgical waiting room, I feel as though my heart is beating out of my chest. When the doors open I'm the first one out, making a beeline for the waiting room.

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