Chapter 4

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I do apologize for it taking so long to get this up. I really hope y'all enjoy it though! This is unedited.

Olivia's POV:

Bolting up the stairs at a cry I know could've only come from one person. Hearing Trevor's heavy footfalls behind me as I enter JJ's room, going straight to the bathroom. A gasp escapes my mouth as I survey the scene before me; a glass is shattered on the floor with shards on the counter around the sink, JJ is holding her right wrist in her left hand, and in her right palm is a blade of glass. Blood drips from her hand and splatters on the floor. Tears stream down her face, which is beet red and contorted in agony. In her eyes I see pain and fear. When Trevor advances toward her however, I see anger and disappointment. With every step Trevor takes, JJ takes one back.

Snapping into action, I grab a clean hand towel and go to JJ, placing it under her right hand.

"Hold this right here, sweet girl."

Once JJ moves her left hand to the towel, I scoop her up and head downstairs. Standing at the bottom of the stairs is Tina, Malcolm, Jason, Mary, Cole, Savannah, Adam, and Lexi.

"I'm driving." Tina states, grabbing my purse and the keys to the SUV.

Not putting up a fight, I follow her out the door and to the SUV. Strapping JJ in, I hop in the backseat with her. We arrive at the hospital a short while later and I carry JJ inside with Tina following close behind.

"My daughter needs help!" I exclaim.

The nurse at the desk looks up at us, taking in the sight before her; JJ's tear stained face, the glass sticking out of her hand, and the blood soaked towel. She grabs another nurse to take us to a room. After putting gloves on, the nurse replaces the blood soaked towel with a fresh one. A doctor walks in followed by another nurse who walks over to me, handing me a clipboard with some paperwork to be filled out before leaving the room again. Tina hands me my purse and I glance over to see the doctor speaking to the nurse. I get started on the paperwork, hoping to finish it quickly.

"I'm Dr. Masterson but you can call me Evan. Can I take a look at your hand?"

I look up from the paperwork and meet JJ's eyes. I nod, watching as she extends her right hand to Dr. Masterson while keeping the towel in place with her left. Finishing the paperwork, Tina takes it from me and takes it to the desk as I turn my attention to JJ and Dr. Masterson.

"That's a mighty big piece of glass you got in your hand. Can you tell me what happened?"

JJ looks at me.

"It's okay, baby. Tell him what happened."

JJ looks away from me and looks down at her lap, remaining silent. I gently stroke her hair. The door to the room opens and the first nurse, whom I didn't even realize had left, walks in pushing a cart if supplies followed by Tina.

"You must be in some pain, huh?" The nurse asks.

Keeping her head down, JJ shrugs which I know means she's in pain but doesn't want to show it.

"Baby, are you in pain?" Dumb question cause she's got a fucking piece of glass sticking out of her hand.

JJ nods and the nurse smiles as she picks up a hospital bracelet and a small package before going to the computer that's sitting behind Dr. Masterson and scanning both items. After doing so, she walks over to the left side of the bed where I'm sitting. She puts the hospital bracelet on JJ's left wrist before holding a small plastic cup containing a purple tablet out to JJ. She looks up at the cup before taking it in her hand as Dr. Masterson, now gloved up, places her right hand on a stack of towels, disposing of yet another blood soaked towel.

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