Chapter 13

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This is unedited. There is some cussing in this chapter. Hope y'all enjoy!!

Olivia's POV:

The revelations made last night are still swirling around my mind. Trevor, JJ, nor I got much sleep last night. She fell asleep cuddled up between us and neither of us had the heart to move her to her room, so we let her stay. While she was sleeping, Trevor and I talked about everything that's happened. Trevor is fast asleep by the time JJ is awoken by a nightmare. In an effort to not disturb Trevor, I take JJ to the living room and we settle on the couch with a movie, where we stay until I'm awoken the next morning by a call from Cragen.

We made the decision to stop and get JJ her favorite breakfast from her favorite place. Going through the drive-thru and getting orange juice and a breakfast burrito for JJ and coffee for Trevor and I, we begin the drive to the precinct. When Cragen called this morning, he said we needed to be at the precinct early. He didn't say why but I assume it has something to do with Alex.

Pulling up outside the precinct, I immediately spot Fin and Munch standing out front. As I'm grabbing my purse, keys, the drink carrier, and JJ's food, Munch offers his assistance to Trevor, and Fin gets JJ from her booster seat, placing her on his hip. Locking the car, we head up to the squad room. Walking in I recognize every face but one. I get JJ settled at my desk with her burrito and orange juice then Trevor and I walk over to Cragen and the unfamiliar man.

"Olivia, Trevor, this is Rafael Barba, our new ADA. Barba, this is Detective Olivia Benson and her husband Trevor Langan."

"They're the parents of JJ?" He asks Cragen.

Cragen nods.

"It's nice to meet you both." He says, extending his hand to Trevor and I. "Though I wishit was under better circumstances." Pointing toward my desk, Barba asks, "Is that JJ?"

"Yes." I reply.

"We had Ms. Cabot come in this morning. She quickly figured out that she wasn't here to discuss the case as an ADA. She refuses to speak to anyone but you, Detective Benson. Now, because you're not on this case in an official capacity, you won't be going in alone. We need a confession from her, otherwise I'll have to put JJ on the stand and that's something I don't want to do. In my opinion she's been through enough and I really don't relish putting any child through a trial."

"Let's do this. Who's going in with me?"

"I am." I hear Dean's voice from behind me.

Trevor stays with JJ as Dean, Dani, and I follow Cragen and Barba to the interrogation room where Alex is waiting. Walking slightly behind Dean and Dani, I think about the bet going around. I didn't place a bet but I believe the ones that bet she's sleeping with Dean instead of Andy are going to win.

Stopping in front of the two way mirror, I crack my neck looking at Alex sitting there looking smug. I just want to wipe that smirk off her face.

"Don't let her get to you, Liv." Cragen cautions softly.

I sigh deeply before entering the interrogation room with Dean following behind. He closes the door as I sit down across from Alex, Dean leaning against the wall behind her.

"Took you long enough!"

"It's only been two hours, Ms. Cabot."

"Oh, look at little Olivia being all professional. Tell me something, how many times have you fucked Trevor in your car in the precinct parking garage?" She smirks.

"None." I fold my hands on the table in front of me and stare her down. I won't let her get to me.

"That's a shame! Steven said you were never the adventurous type, that's why he cheated on you. Now Mallory and I on the other hand, let's just say the three of us have fun together."

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