Chapter 9

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This is unedited. For the purpose of this story, Olivia's middle name is Jade. Hope y'all enjoy this chapter.

Trevor's POV:

Sitting in the room after surgery waiting to see if JJ is going to wake up is tense to say the least. Dr. Washington told us that she may not wake up and that if she does, she may have some memory loss.

"Did they find anything out?"

Staring out the window, she sighs. "Dianne Nelson, twenty-seven year old kindergarten teacher, resides at the same address as the perp's twin brother Leon Reynolds. She said in the letter that she's married but there's no record of it."

"You think she was lying?"

"I don't know." She replies flatly.

I keep my mouth shut because I know how she's feeling right now, our world is upside down. The only way for it to be righted is for JJ to wake up. My eyes land on JJ and it's as if she can hear my thoughts because her eyes open slowly. Gazing into warm chocolate eyes that I haven't seen in two months, tears spilling from my eyes.

"Babe, get the doctor!"

I know the exact moment she turns around as a gasp fills the room.

"Dr. Washington, she's awake!" Liv announces out the door causing Dr. Washington and two nurses to run in.

"She's fighting the tube! Let's get it out!" They're preparing to take the tube out and I see the wild look in here eyes, she doesn't know where she is.

The nurses and Dr. Washington tell JJ that she has to be calm and still so they can get the tube out. Being the little trooper that she is, she follows directions and the tube comes out leading JJ into a brief coughing spell. After taking a few sips of water, JJ settles. When JJ came out of surgery, Dr. Washington asked us to remain silent when JJ woke up so she could evaluate her.

"Can you tell me your full name, honey?"

Eyes shifting around the room, she swallows. "Jessica Jade Langan. I was named after my Mommy."

We nod when Dr. Washington looks to us for confirmation.

"And how old are you?"


"Who are these people?" She asks, pointing at us.

"Mama and Daddy."

"Do you know where you are?"


"Do you remember what happened?"

"Red. Pain. Loud. Screaming." Her breathing starts to get heavy. Liv moves beside her and rubs her shoulder while I place my hand on her leg.

"Okay, it doesn't appear that she has any memory loss. That's a good thing. We'll continue to watch her just to be sure. How are you feeling, JJ?"

"I c-can't feel my legs."

"You'll regain feeling in them soon. Page me if you need anything." She says walking out.

"JJ, do you feel anything?" I question, poking the side of her leg where she can't see.

"No, Daddy."

Olivia and I look at each other, realizing what this may mean.

All mistakes are mine. Vote, comment, and tell a friend! Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter!!
Until next time.
Much love!!

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