Author's Epal note

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ekkkk- Elo chingus,

I just want to tell you, this story was written 2 years ago, and precisely on my jeje days oh well I'm still on that stage but lol maybe I became a little matured? What I mean jeje days, full of wrong grammars, not really know the love thingy bc for pete's sake I was only on my 7th grade when I wrote this, yas I had crushes but not boyfriends and love I only knew the word love towards my bestfriends, my friends, to my family and ofc To God, so yeah, I just wanted to write a story out of boredom and thought like it was exciting, yas it was, writing is not just a hobby for me, it became something I want to do for the rest of my life, I want to share my thoughts

and yayks, I alrdy revised this story, but then again I didn't had time to make it cool It still have a lot of wrong grammars, so I decided to start revising this again.

Yes for the 3rd time, I'll revise this again, but this time, the full story will change including Names, Rps, places, and the plot. AND this time I'll promise, this will be the last.

I'll do this for you, guys. So I rlly hope you'lll understand me.

that's all thank you for wasting your 5 or more mins for reading this, much appreciated , may you have a good life, and keep that good and warm heart of yours ♥

- Purp

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