27. Earth Two Part 2

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Cisco and I ended up putting the other unconcious Barry in the closet because Harry wouldn't let us put him somewhere else. We close the closet door and I look at Cisco.

"Well this surely is an adventure I'm never going to forget." I smile slightly at him.

"Tell me about it." He aswers.

I walk towards the window and look outside. It's weird how different yet alike this world is from ours. It's so much more futuristic and technological, but it still looks so much like our Central City. Cisco and I spend the rest of the day in Harry's office because for some reason he didn't want us wandering around the facility. I make my chess move against Cisco when I feel a rush of wind behind me, of course it's Barry.

"Guys, I found something. You should really see this." He says and walks towards us.

We arrive at this dark place. It looks like an abandoned warehouse. It's cold and I hear voices in the background.

"Barry, why are we here?" I ask him. He puts a finger against his lip suggesting me to be quiet.

"You'll see." He whispers.

We walk in a little furthur and the voices become clearer. I can make out some of them, I recognize them immediatly. Ronnie and Caitlin. So Ronnie is still alive on this earth. I hear them talk about something they have to do for... Zoom. I look at Barry with big eyes full of surprise and he gives me a look that says 'I knew you would want to see this.' Someone else joins the groupe, it's Cisco.

"Zoom isn't happy." I hear him say. I look at Cisco and I can see he looks ashamed at the ground. Before I can hear anything else Barry rushes over there. We quickly follow him. The Cisco from this earth looks at us with a smile on his face.

"Ah, hello there. Zoom said you might pay us a visit. Oh, my girlfriend is going to love this." He smirks. "Honey?!"

A woman on high heels walks in, wearing a yellow suite. She has a determined look on her face. The woman, is me. She walks towards the earth two Cisco and kisses him passionately. My eyes grow wide at the sight of it and I don't even dare to look at Cisco's reaction to all this.

"Well well, look who we have here. If it isn't my own doppelganger." She slowly walks closer to me. She puts her finger under my chin and lifts it up, I quickly turn my head away. "It's so nice to finally meet you." She wispers in my ear while walking around me. I try to conceal the slightest bit of fear I might have because if she has the same kind of powers I do than I don't know what she could do to me. 

She stops again and stands in front of me. It's the weirdest thing looking at yourself but it's not really you. I see yellow matter streaming from her hand and it goes around my throat, she squeezes her hand a bit closer and the grip thightens. I let out a small whimper.

"Hey!" I hear Barry yell but the other me throws him to the other side of the warehouse with her other yellow glowing hand and Cisco is being held by Ronnie and Caitlin.

"But there can only be one of us. Don't you agree?" She asks as if it's the most normal thing. "And I thing we both know which one of us that's going to be." She points at herself. I feel her grip thighten even more. I'm trying to reach for more air but I can't. The only thing I can think of doing is turning my eyes yellow, I tried my hands but I don't have enough strenght left in me. Her eyes turn yellow as well and for a moment I think it's working.

"Oh, sweetie. That doesn't work on me." She let's out a laugh. I feel myself drifting off and try not to black out as hard as I possibly can. Until I feel wind in front of me and the grip around my throat is gone immediatly. I fall to the ground and start to cough and gasp for air. I see Barry and Cisco fight our doppelgangers in the distance and then everything goes black...

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