17. First Night

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I close the door behind me, I have never ever felt this scared in my life before. I lean with by back against the door taking a deep breath.

"You okay?" I hear Hartley ask from the living room.

"Yeah, coming!" I yell from the hallway of our appartment.

I walk towards the living room but Hartley isn't there, I look around and decide to go to the kitchen. I stop at the entrance when I see him trying to cook something. He has one hand up his hair and the other one on a recipe, his glasses are balancing on the tip of his nose, he looks adorable and for just a few seconds I forgot how scared I was. At that moment he notices me, he looks like he's about to cry, I can't help but laugh.

"How the actual fuck does this even work?" He asks desperately.

I walk up to him and push his glasses back up his nose, I put my arms over his shoulders and look at him deep within his eyes. That one feeling in your stomach, it's something I can't explain but I never want it to go away.

"Cooking is the one real thing you can't handle properly." I say quietly.

"Bold of you to assume I know how to handle anything properly." He answers sarcasticly. I smile.

"Well, I'm sure you'll figure it out somehow. But hurry I'm hungry." I pat him on the shoulder, and walk towards the living room.

"What? So you're not going to help me?" He asks confused. I smile again but don't answer.

I head towards the couch and make myself comfortable. I put on one of my favorite feel good movies 'Dirty Dancing' although I know Hartley doesn't like it. I really need to just relax after everything that happened today. I'm still trying to figure out what's going on with me, and now that I have powers, how to control them and make sure I don't hurt any of my loved ones. So much has happened the last few weeks, for starters I was abducted, then a Barry shape shifter kissed me, Cisco told me he loved me and last but not least my dad turns out to be an evil murderous speedster, who isn't even my dad but pretended to be. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Hartley comes walking out of the kitchen with two plates in his hands. I can't even tell what kind of dish this is, that's how awful he is at cooking. I doubtfully look at the plate.

"You sure that's edible?" I ask.

"You're a pain in the ass you know that?" He sighs joyfully. He hands me the plate.

"Thank you."

"My pleasure." He answers extra dramatically.

We eat the food, that surprisingly isn't that bad at all, while we watch the movie. Of course Hartley has to make thousands of comments on why things would never happen like that in real live, like you need way more time to practice that lift. When the movie is done I take our plates to the kitchen and put them in the dishwasher, only now I see what kind of mess Hartley has made of the kitchen, I softly sigh and shake my head when I start cleaning.

"You need some help?" I turn my head and I see Hartley standing in the entrance of the kitchen, his very attractive light grey sweatpants on and shirtless. His beautiful abbs on this slightly bronzed body distract me from what I was doing. I give a small smile but try to hide it from him. He sneaks up behind me and puts his arms around my waist. He has his body so close to mine I can feel he's starting to get a boner.

"Stop it Hartley, I'm trying to clean your mess here." I tease him. He turns me around to face him and whispers...

"That can wait til the morning don't you think." He softly bits his own lip.

"It drives me crazy when you do that." I say my voice filled with desire.

I take of his glasses and look at his lips, he seems to know exactly what I want because he immediatly places his lips on mine. The kiss starts of soft but quickly transforms into a heated, passionate make out session. He starts pushing me, walking until my back hits the wall.

"You sure you want this? After everything that happened today?" He mumbles panting in between the kiss. I can only nod, not wanting him to stop kissing me. He places his lips on mine ones again, he puts his hand on the side of my face and the other hand slowly works it's way up my waist. I moan softly in between the kiss, which makes Hartley chuckle. Now instead of going up both his hands are now going down my waist until he reaches my ass and lifts me up, I put my legs around his waist and he starts carrying me to the bedroom. I feel his boner getting more intense. When we finally reach the bedroom the throws me on the bed and comes on top of me. I quickly pull my shirt over my head and lift up my head a bit to kiss him, I put my hand behind his head and lower our faces so I can lie down. His hands work their way back up my waist to unhook my bra. When he does that I slowly pull down his sweatpants and my jeans so we're both only in underwear. When we finally have those removed to we're both naked and still kissing passionately...

You can imagine how the rest of the night went, it was incredible, our first time since he got back. It's currently 04.37 A.M. and Hartley is in a deep sleep. I tried to sleep to but kept having nightmares so I just gave up. I'm looking at Hartley, his peaceful sleeping face, his chest going up and down with every breath he takes. God, I love him so much! I slowly place a kiss on his cheek trying not to wake him but without success. He opens his beautiful blue eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I whisper.

"It's okay. I don't mind. Come here." He puts his arm out suggesting for my to lie next to him in his arms. I quickly do as he says and lie against his warm body. I immediatly feel a sense of security and I feel safe, which I haven't felt in the longest time. To my surprise I fall asleep again...

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