19. If You Know What I Mean

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"We need to transport the prisoners, we can't leave them here now that the particle accelerator is back on. They'll be in to much danger. We can't risk that." Barry says.

"How? We can't just get prisoners from an illegal prison in Star Labs to Iron Hights." I ask.

"We can get them to Oliver's prison on the Chinese island."

"And how would you get them there?"

"I might know someone... I mean he knows the city well. He can help us at least get them to an airplane..." 


"There is no way in the world I'm going to work with him! Are you out of your mind Barry?!" I shout at him.

"He's our only hope, trust me." He answers calmly.

"I think we should give it a shot." Cisco then says. I give him a look.

Are they serious right now? Do they really want to work with Leonard Snart? I mean the man abducted me for god's sake.

"I can't believe you're even considering this." I say dissapointed in my friends. I mean that Barry would okay, but Cisco? He's my best friend. I didn't think he would go behind my back like that.

"We have to try." Barry declares and takes of leaving yellow lightning behind.

Hartley walks into the facility. He's late and it's my fault. He was sleeping so deep this morning he didn't hear our alarm, but for some reason I didn't want to wake his beautiful sleeping body so I just let him.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." He shouts. "Why didn't you wake me?" He whispers when he comes walking closer to me.

But as I open my mouth to answer his question a wave of nausea comes over me, out of nowhere. I quickly put my hand over my mouth and run towards the lab. I get to the sink as quickly as I can and let probably everything I had for breakfast this morning go. I hear someone run up behind me and put his hand on my back and pulls my hair out of my face. It's Hartley. I wipe my mouth and try to catch my breath.

"Jesus Riley, are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little stress, I think."  

I walk back to the main space leaving Hartley behind in the lab. I have been feeling a little grumpy all day. I see Hartley leave as well, he's probably going to the lounge. This is just not our day I think.

"Everything okay between you two?" Cisco asks, even though it doesn't interest him at all.

"It's going amazing! Can't you see?!" I answer over sarcasticly.

"Wow, didn't know you would get mad." He almost whispers. I take a deep breath.

"I'm sorry. I didn' t mean that. I just... I have been so stressed lately, you know, with everything that's been going on."

"Yeah, I get that."

I sigh. I feel tears coming up, but I quickly swallow them away but it's too late, Cisco has seen it and comes walking towards me. He puts his arms around me into a deep hug. This feels great. I really needed this. I allow myself to completely give in to it. I don't care what Hartley thinks. I needed this hug from my best friend. I feel a rush of wind and we pull apart. I see Barry... and Leonard. Cisco backs away from me, he's probably a bit scared of Snart which is understandable. He's walking in front of Barry and comes closer to me. I take a step back but he only comes closer. 

"Hey there beautiful." He smirks. I take another step back and another one until I hit the wall. "You look even better when you're not tight up. Although I wouldn't mind doing it again somewhere else, if you know what I mean." He gives an evil smile.

Snart is now only inches away from me, he puts one of his hands out to put in on my waist. Here's where I remind myself I have something he doesn't have. The power to make someone do whatever I want. As his fingers slightly touch me I feel my eyes turning yellow, so do his.

"Get your hands away from me and walk back to Barry. Now!" I command. 

He does exactly as I ask, but when he reaches Barry and gets back to reality he looks at me confused. 

"I wouldn't try that again if I were you." Hartley says determined. He's standing in the door opening to the main space and probably saw everything.

"And why wouldn't I?" Snart laughs. Hartley walks towards him. Fast.

"Because then this fist would be the last thing you would ever see." He puts his fist in the air ready to hit Snart.

I quickly get in between them, facing Hartley and I feel my eyes turning yellow again.

"Don't." I say calmly. He immediatly lowers his fist.

"Guys, stop playing around. We need to get those prisoners out of here." Barry says.

Snart turns to me and winks. A big wave of nausea comes over me again and the process from before repeats with Hartley supporting me...

After the transport, Barry comes back to Star Labs to explain what happened and turns out like I said we should have never trusted Snart. He and all the prisoners got away.

You And Me (Hartley Rathaway/Pied Piper - The Flash) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now