18. In The Ground

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"You guys are late, jesus I thought something had happened to you! Take up the phone when I call you alright?!" Barry screams at me when I walk into the main space of Star Labs.

"Calm down Barry, nothing happened to her." Iris says with a soothing voice.

"So, she's part of the team now? Just like that?" I ask not particulary to anyone.

"Yes, she is!" Barry screams still mad.

"Okay everyone let's just calm down. I think Cisco has found something." Joe declares.

"Yes, you see I was thinking why would Wells need a wheelchair if he's the reverse flash? I thought sympathy at first but he's the man in yellow, he's smart, that can't be the only reason and that's when I started to play around with the wheelchair a little bit..." He turns the wheelchair on it's side and opens a little box under the chair. I see a piece of yellow and red glowing tech in it. "This piece of tech creates some serious juice. I mean, we're talking enough to power all of Central City. I think this thing is some kind of battery, as in Wells was using it to power himself. To gain more speed. And that's why he's so much faster than you." He points to Barry.

Barry gives him a not so confident look in return. The alarm starts to go off. I rush towards it since I am the closest to the computer. When I see what's happening I widen my eyes. Before I have a chance to say what it is Hartley comes to stand next to me and puts a hand on my shoulder for comfort.

"The particle accelerator, it's been reactivated." I say.

"How is that even possible? It blew up." Joe asks.

"It had to have been rebuilt." Cisco says confused.

When I look up from the screen I see Barry's look on his face, the knows exactly what's going on.


"Even if he did rebuilt it, how did my dad turn the particle accelerator on?" I ask.

Barry's expression does the same thing but ten times more intense.

"He's here." He declares. "That's why we couldn't find him. He's been inside Star Labs the whole time." I see the anger rise in his eyes.

Barry, Joe, Cisco and Hartley start to move quickly towards the particle accelerator. 

"Stay here." Cisco and Hartley say to me at the same time.

"You wish." I answer and follow them.

We slowly walk towards the particle accelerator. Hartley walking in front of me putting his arm out to protect me. I shouldn't notice in a time like this but I still do and I think it's incredibly cute. When we get in front of the door that leads us to the accelerator Cisco explains why he brought his orange soda, I totally forgot that liquids float in the air every time something happens around the reverse flash. Joe, who's walking in front of the rest opens the door to the accelerator and slowly walks into the space. The rest of us follow. I've never been down here before, my dad never let me and now I know why, but this place is huge.

"Oh, God." I hear Cisco say scared. When I walk towards him I see the orange soda is slowly floating out of his cup, into the air. 

But before anyof us could react I feel wind, not a normal kind of wind. The wind I feel every time Barry passes us with his speeds. Fractions after I see a red flash. Barry immediatly follows.

"Prisoner release protocol." I hear the Star Labs voice say. One of the cells opens it's doors, it's Peekaboo's. The one who can teleport everywhere she can see. When the doorsare entirely open she disapears. She starts to fight with Cisco, who falls down the pipeline, then Joe, who also falls down.

"Riley?" I hear Hartley call my name desperatly while fighting her. I know exactly what he means.

"I can't see her eyes!" I yell.

"Riley run!" He answers when he also falls down. So that's exactly what I do. I run.

I run until I reach the main space, I try to get to the elevator but Peekaboo teleport her way in front of me. Before I realise what's going on she hits me in the head and I fall down.

"Do you have any idea what it's like to be stuck in that box?..." She says and kicks me in the chest. She puts her hand around my neck and trows me against the wall. I give a gasp of pain. She puts her hand around my neck again and starts to choke me really hard. I start to gag.

"Now you're the one who's going to to into a box. In the ground."

I have clear vision of her eyes but the pain doesn't allow me to perform my powers. This is it. I'm going to die at the hands of a teleporting meta human. I slowly feel my arms and legs shutting down and I'm out of oxygen when all of a sudden I hear a loud bang and Peekaboo let's go of my neck. I see her fall to the ground unconsious. I also fall to the ground and cough heavily. I turn my head to see what caused the bang and I see Iris holding a metal pipe. I turn on my back and try to catch my breath. 

"Thanks." I say panting.

I close my eyes and want to drift off but then I feel two hands around my waist.

"Riley? Riley? Are you okay? What happened?" 

I open my eyes. It's Hartley. I try to sit up but need him to support me. I put my head on his shoulder and say nothing still trying to catch my breath. I hear Cisco and Joe run from the entrance too, I feel another two hands on my back. Probably Cisco. It's confirmed when he speaks.

"Riley, what did she do to you?" But the hands go away again, Hartley must have told him so.

When I look up and see Hartley's face it shocks me. He has a blue eye and a deep cut on his cheek. He suddenly flinches and grabs his ear. One of his hearing devices are broken. 

"Oh my God, Hartley..." I whisper and put my hand near his cheek. He whines again.

"Oh, it's nothing." He says although I can clearly see he's in much pain.


I take a little coton and put it on Hartley's cut. He pulls his face away but I put more pressure on it. The others are putting Peekaboo back into her cell while I clean up Hartley's wounds.

"You should be resting." He says.

"And you should not be moving so much." I answer concentrating on his wound.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, I am. Thanks to Iris." He gives me a little smile.

I walk back to the table and where Hartley's spare hearing devices are and take one of them and hand them over to him. When I hear some noise behind me and I see Hartley's expression I turn around and see the team... and Eddy...

You And Me (Hartley Rathaway/Pied Piper - The Flash) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now