9. It Is Time

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"It's time dad! Just let him out. He helped us with the time wraith." I say.
"Riley. Look..."
"No, nothing look. We're going to let him out today." I feel anger rise, bit by the look on my dads face I can see that it won't work like that.
"Dad, please can we just try? I assure you if he does something to hurt anyone he will go straight back in the cell." I give him puppy eyes. He sighs.
"You know what, let's give it a try." He says.
"Yes! Thank you dad. I love you." I give him a hug minding his wheelchair.

I'm walking towards the pipelines. I haven't been here in a week and I feel so guilty. I was so busy helping Barry with metas and other stuff that I just couldn't see him. But I don't slow down. I don't hesitate at the door and open ot immediately. And walk towards him.
"I'll be back soon." He quotes me with a sarcastic voice.
"Well I'm sorry I've been a bit busy." I answer back in the same kind of voice and I can see it irretates him a lot.
"But I have good news." I walk to the tablet that controls the cells and open his door. He looks at me confused and unsure, he stays in the cell. I nodd to him making him sure it's all fine and he walks out of the cell towards me and gives me a huge hug.
"Come, let's go upstairs." I say with a smile on my face. We walk upstairs and I see Cisco has arrived early. By hearing the footsteps he turns around.
"What is he doing here?" He asks looking disgusted at Hartley.
"My dad thought it was time to let him out. He helped us with the wraith, and I'm sure he can help us with a lot more." I look at him. His face has a soft curve but his jawline is sharp. His eyes flicker.
"Whatever." Says Cisco.
They really don't like each other, they never did and I doubt they will ever do but I hope that everything can change now that we're chasing metas instead of technological outbrakes.
"Let's go home." I say.

We're walking down the street of our appartement. Our appartement. It sounds so weird in my head calling it that again. I mean I haven't for two years. I open the door with one of the two keys on my chain. One used to belong to Hartley. We walk in, nothing has changed here since he left. I kept everything. The pictures of us, his clothes everything is still in the same spot. I couldn't bring myself to clean it up. He turns watching how our home is still the same. He smiles.
"Wow, nothing changed around here." He walks towards the fridge.
"Yeah, I didn't want to clean things up because that meant you were gone for good." He doesn't answer. But instead takes a beer out of the frigde and sits on the couch.
"You haven't learned at all did you?" I laugh and take the beer out of his hand.
"Hey give, that back." He says. I put the beer on the kitchen counter and when I want to open my mouth to give him a lecture about how he can't handle alcohol, my phone rings. It's Cisco.

- You have to come to Star Labs now. New meta.

"We have to go." I say and walk towards the door with Hartley following me.

When we get there everyone is standing around the desk. I run to them.
"Fill us in." I say.
"New meta in town, her name is Shawna and she can teleport." Says Caitlin.
"Wow cool." I say back. But my dad gives me a look. Hartley is standing behind me. Saying nothing. I look at Cisco, and give him a sign with my head to include Hartley in the chat. He sighs.
"Hartley, you're good with sound why don't you handle Barry's comms while we help him defeat Shawna." He says.
I smile to him and mouth 'thank you'. He looks away from me but I know he's thankful.
"Uh, okay sure." Hartley says surprised.
I sit down at the desk and help the team defeat Shawna...

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