14. Why Would He Be Kissing Me?

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"Sweetie? What are you doing here?" I hear my dad say in front of me. It's the day after my abduction and everyone ordered me to stay home for a couple of days but I already started to get bored after like an hour.

"I'm going to work." I say as normal as possible. My dad just shakes his head in response.
I walk up to Hartley, he hasn't even noticed me yet he's so busy with Caitlin. I'm honestly so happy he's finding his place here, just Cisco is still not okay with everything. Hartley is trying I can see, he's doing it for me even though he doesn't succeed very much. They dispices each other. I walk up behind him and put my arms around his waist. He jump up a little, he didn't see me coming. He puts his hands on mine and turns his head slowly. A huge smile appears on his face, I can see Caitlin secretly smiling too. It may sound weird but the abduction did good to Hartley and my relationship.

"Honey, you shouldn't be here." He says smiling like an idiot.

"Ugh, I know. I was justed so bored at home... and I missed you." Whispering the last sentence in his ear.

"Oohhw, so you guys are really... really back together huh?" Caitlin says circling with her pen. We both just smile in response.
The alarm goes off. Barry rushes to the screen and almost instantly takes off. I walk to the screen too and see the warning of a meta human in town.

"What do you see Barry?" Ask Cisco through the comms.

"Uhm. Okay. This meta human can shape shift. Like become another person just by the touch of someone." He says confused.

"Don't let him touch you Barry. We don't know if he'll get you're speed too." He dad says rushing to the screen.

"I lost him..." he says and only a second later he's back at Star Labs. He looks very dissapointed.

"Don't worry Barr, we'll find him... or her." I say.

I'm alone at Star Labs, the whole team has left going home or to town. I wanted to work on one of my projects. Star Labs is very peaceful when no one is here actually. Although Cisco's movie references, Caitlin's incredible advise, Barry's kindness and my dad's intense way of helping are something I couldn't go around without. And of course with Hartley back that makes everything better. I'm trying to forgive him and so far it has been working. He's trying everything to get me back and I want to go back, back to him. My life is so so much better with him. I'm snapped out of my thoughs when I hear footsteps. I shoot out of my chair and reach for the nearest scalpel lying around only to see just Barry walk in. I take a deep breath and lay the scalpel back to where it belongs. Barry seems a bit lost, looking around the facility as if it's the first time he sees it.

"Hey Barry, are you okay?" I ask kind of worried. He hadn't noticed I was here although he knew I stayed at Star Labs. He looks at me right into my eyes as if it's also the first time he sees me. A small smile appears on his face and he starts to blush, a lot. My look changes from startled to confused.

"Hey there." He says taking a couple steps closer to me to the point where he's only a couple inches away from me. "You look very pretty today." He continues. I put the back of my hand on his forehead but there's no heat. He's being really weird.

"Uhm. Thank you?" I say confused. I decide to walk away from this unusual situation but Barry takes my hand stopping my motion. He puts his other hand on my waist and turns me around to face him again.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Something I should have done way earlier." He almost whispers. I see him come closer but before I can process what's going on the softly presses his lips on mine. My eyes widen. What the hell is he doing? I push him away.

"Barry..." I say with a confused smile on my face but I don't even get the chance to finish my sentense or his lips are on mine again. Why would he be kissing me? Is he in love with me? No he couldn't? Could he? No, he's in love with Iris. He never told anyone about it but I can just feel something between them when they're together. So why would he be kissing me? I'm snapped out of my thoughts when he pulls away from our kiss. With my eyes wide again I walk away. For real this time. I don't even think about the scalpel when I hear people running towards the room. When I turn around to see who they are I can see Cisco tasering Barry.

"What was that for?" I ask my voice pitching high.

"It's the shape shifter." Cisco screams.

"Ugh, I knew it!" I say relieved. Everything makes sense now. At least a little more. Hartley gives me a look demanding some explanation.

"What happened did he do something to you." He asks.

"Nothing... he was just... weird." I say as convincing as possible but I can see Hartley doesn't really believe me. He walks up to me and hugs me.

"I'm just glad he didn't do anything to you." I put my head up towards his demanding a kiss. He puts his soft lips on mine. No offence Barry but Hartley is a way better kisser. I give a little smile in between our kiss realising it's the first time we're kissing in front of the team, in front of my dad since he got back. I turn my head slowly watching my dad react to this but he's so uncomfortable that he just faces away. Caitlin is smiling again, I'm so glad she's happy for us. And Cisco... he looks dissapointed then looks to his feet. My smiles fades a little. I have a feeling, an odd one, one I've never had before. It's as if I can feel what Cisco is feeling. Oh god, does he really feel this way about me?...

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