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Riley's P.O.V:

We pull away from the hug. I look into his deep blue eyes. Damn I missed his eyes! And his smile, and just him in general. This moment just feels perfect...

"AHHHHHH!!" Hartley screams his longs out and graps his ears. He collapses onto the ground. I hear a screeching noice from his hearing aids. I know exactly what is going on. I put myself onto the ground next to Hartley trying to comfort him as much as I can. I turn around and face the surveillance camera.

"CISCO!" I yell, but nothing changes. I turn back to Hartley. It breaks me seeing him in pain like this. I turn back to the camera and give Cisco a mad look.

"He needs to go back into the pipeline. NOW!" He shouts through the intercom.

Hartley stops screaming. I help him up.

"Are you okay?" A tear falls down my cheek.

"See, that's why I didn't want you to see me like this." He pants while whiping my tears away.


Hartley goes back into his cell and the door closes. I just stand there looking at him. I never thought I was ever going to see him again.

I walk back up to the main room. I see Barry, Caitlin, my dad and Cisco all gathered around the monitor from where they 'watched the show'. 

"How could you do this to me Cisco?" I give him a look.

"He may be your boyfriend but he's a criminal and he deserves to be there." 

I scoff. 


"It's C.C.P.D" Says my dad.

Barry runs off leaving yellow lightning behind and a mess of paperwork. It almost feels like he's faster than usual.

Barry's P.O.V:

I rush of to C.C.P.D. I didn't want to go because it would maybe mess with the timeline to much but what excuse would I have to make up? After a few second of running I arrive at the police station. That's when I saw him. Eddie Thawne. 

"Is everyone okay?" He asks to his colleages.

"You should probably cover that up." Says Joe pointing to the investigation board about my mothers murder.

"Oh, right, yeah." I walk towards it when I hear footsteps approaching.

Eddie walks into the room. It's so weird seeing him again. Alive. After all he did for us. After saving our lives from the reverse flash who turned out to be one of his relatives from the far future. He's talking to Joe but I don't hear what they're saying, I'm to cought up in my thought. When both of them wanted to leave I decide to ask him something.

"Hey Eddie, would you mind if I take a video of you? It's for Iris her birthday and I want to surprise her." 

"Uh, yeah sure go ahead." He says

I take out my phone put it on camera mode and start filming him.

Riley's P.O.V:

I hear footsteps approach from behind. It's Barry.

"Hey, what's going on here?" He asks.

"Oh you know, just trying to figure out how to find this dementor that's apparently roaming through Central City right now." Cisco answers. He looks at me waiting for a response. I always name the movies he's quoting but I say nothing.

"I assume that was the cause of the C.C.P.D alarm?" Asks my dad.

"Yeah, actually it attacked my lab." Barry says nodding.

"You saw it?" I continue asking.

"No, I didn't see it, no... Um, well, I didn't get there in time, but I have seen it before."

My dad turns his wheelchain around to face Barry.


"It was earlier today, when I was running to Hartley down." He looks at me.

"And, um you're just mentioning this now?"

"I didn't know what it was, I thought it was some sort of illusion? I don't know."

"Okay, well we need to find it before it hurts somebody." Says Caitlin.

"Can you track it?" Barry asks Cisco a little to excited.

"What is it with you guys, it's like you think I have ESP or something. I can't just magically sense where things are. But I couold reconfigure the Star Labs satellite to look for it, but it might take some time."

"Okay, do it." Says my dad, he rolls away. "In the meantime, Mr. Allen, come with me."

I see Barry walk away with him...

You And Me (Hartley Rathaway/Pied Piper - The Flash) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now