26. Earth Two Part 1

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Things have changed around here lately. So much happened. First of all Cisco found out more about his powers. He can now also open portals to other earths in this multiverse. We've also had our fair share of Zoom visits, who tried to kill Barry but hasn't succeded yet luckily. Jay has officially become part of the team and I sense something going on between him and Caitlin but I haven't said anything about it yet. Cisco and Hartley have been acting really weird around each other, weirder than usual, and I thought things were finally starting to settle down between the two of them. We've also accepted Harry to be a part of the team, at least they have. I'm still having a hard time having my creepy non-dad's face around...

"So Riley, are you coming with us?" I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Barry's voice. Him and Cisco are standing right next to each other.

"I'm sorry what did you say?" I ask looking around the Star Labs main space. I forgot I was a part of this conversation.

"Are you coming to Earth-2 with us?" Cisco repeats.

"Oh that, yeah of course." I answer.

"If you're going I'm coming with you." I hear Hartley's voice determined behind me. He lays his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Hartley but you can't. We're already short handed when they're gone, we need some people here." Caitlin says and I can see from Hartley's face that he's not happy about it. I turn around to face him completely and start to smile. 

"You'll be fine. Or are you scared you can't survive without me?" I tease him but his expression doesn't change. He's clearly not in the mood to joke around.

It's time to go. I'm a bit nervous which is probably okay because I've never travelled inter-dimensionally before. Neither has anyone, ever. I try to calm myself. Barry and Cisco don't seem to be nervous at all. I take a deep breath and Hartley pulls me into a hug probably sensing my nerves. When Cisco opened the bridge, him, Barry and Harry go though. I give Hartley a last kiss and go as well. It feels as if nothing happened when a fraction later I appear to be on another earth. It looks amazing, just like ours but so much more, technological, futuristic and so much cleaner. I look around in awe and so do Barry and Cisco.

"Hey! We're not here to go sight-seeing remember?" Harry yells when he sees Barry and Cisco take a selfie with the better version of our Star Labs logo.

We walk inside the compound. It's so odd to see it this crowded. I totally forgot what that looked like. People in white blouses everywhere. We walk in furthur, a couple of people say hello to Harry and welcome him back. We keep walking until we reach a room I could never forget in my entire life. It's my dad's office. Shivers are send down my spine as we walk in. From the outside the room looked exactly the same but the interior is completely different. I hope my real dad had the same colourful style as Harry because Eobard's was so boring. When we're inside I hear a familiar voice coming from the TV. I look up and see a nerdie version of Barry being interview. I let out a small laugh. This Barry is wearing round glasses and a bow-tie.

"Haha, look at you Barry." I point up to the TV. I hear Cisco laugh as well.

But before we could say anything else a rush of wind passes by us and Barry is gone. Only a few seconds later he returns with HIMSELF. My eyes grow big. Did he really jus abduct his own doppelganger.

"Barry are you insane?!" Harry yells. Barry's doppelganger's mouth falls open.

"Wait, are you, are you THE Harrison Wells?" He asks starstruck.

"Yes, yes that's me." Harry answers annoyed.

"Oh, oh my god! Sir I'm your biggest fan! I read probably all of your papers and you inspired my to become a..." He stops talking when his eyes fall on Cisco and me.

"AAAAAAHHHH!!" He starts to scream as if he just saw a ghost. My eyes grow even wider, when I suddenly hear a loud noice and the other Barry stops screaming. Our Barry knocked him out.

"Barry! What the hell?!" I ask confused.

"I'm going to pretend I'm him so I can get a look around without being noticed." He answers calmly. I don't know what I think of this plan so I look to Harry's and Cisco's faces for confirmation and they're both looking in disbelieve as well. Before I could say that I think this is a very bad idea, Barry has already changed into other Barry's clothes.

"Just put him in a closet or something." Barry says while walking towards the door.

"Put him in a closet?!" I repeat almost offended. "I'm not going to put him in a closet." But our Barry is already gone.

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