Chapter 18

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It was sunset. At least that was what Maeve assumed, but it was impossible for her to tell. In the Jotunheim, gray clouds covered most of the sun, letting very little light for anyone who dared to venture through it. She grew wary, for in the dark, nothing was as it seemed.

The Vanir princess felt especially vulnerable without her magic. Everything she knew had been twisted. Trees no longer represented an ally. Flowers no longer remained in her company. The very life that once protected her had faded into nothing but threats.

Loki noticed his betrothed's stiffness as he walked beside her but chose not to say anything. Other matters pressed on his mind. Like Maeve, he didn't enjoy being without his magic, not being able to protect her or himself half as well as before. Deep down, he also hated the lies he had to tell his companions to ward off suspicion.

He had no idea where he recognized that ancient text. It didn't come from reading. He had absolutely no recollection of learning it, but it definitely didn't come from a book. His father had banned most of the library's collection on the Jotunheim when he was very young. All the information he possessed of the Frost Giant realm came from books the prince stole or right from the king himself.

Even without his magic, Loki could sense secrets among the group. They hung off of Corey's slumped shoulders, lessened Thor's strong stance, and even pulsated in Maeve's fingertips as he covered her hand with his. More than the rest, he noticed them in the eldest Freyson brother. Secrets flickered in Asmund's dark blue eyes like a deep pool of water, hiding mysteries under an undetermined depth. Loki knew the soon-to-be king clutched the biggest secret of all to his chest, masking it from everyone, including his own family. He couldn't imagine whatever it was to keep it from his closest siblings, but for now, he would let it lie dormant. There was no reason to force exposure.

They came across a massive frozen-over lake sometime after dusk and all stared at it with apprehension. Asmund gently put his foot on the edge of the ice, testing its strength, but he couldn't decide on its reliability.

"What do we do? Go around?" Corey suggested half-heartedly.

Maeve shook her head. "That'll add days to our journey. We don't have that kind of time."

"Right," Thor said, tightening his grasp on and then spinning Mjilonir, "right, I'll fly us all over."

"With what?" Loki said skeptically. "Your hammer is magic, Thor. Right now it's nothing but a common hammer."

"Oh." The god of thunder glanced at his feet, sheepish. "Anyone have a new plan?"

Asmund contemplated the problem with the patience he was regarded for. "We need some way to test how thick the ice is. Going around will add days to our journey, and we don't have that kind of time."

"I'll try it," Maeve suggested. Eight startled eyes darted to hers, which she rolled sarcastically. "Come on. I'm a foot smaller than all of you. I'm the safest bet."

They never received the chance to test this, however, because of a howling noise that filled their ears and sent shivers down their spines.

"Wolves," Corey muttered, drawing his sword. "Run. Only attack if you need to. Run!"

Maeve grabbed the dagger from her belt and took off after her Thor onto the ice-covered lake. His head whipped back to make sure she was still there before running faster. She tried to ignore the sound of cracking glass as they trampled the lake, focused only on getting to the other side as quickly as possible. The ice broke and split the group in half and if Thor hadn't grabbed her arm, she would have fallen into the freezing water. Asmund, Corey, and Loki all watched in horror as the wolves neared Maeve and Thor. She nearly dropped her blade out of fear but willed herself to be strong.

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