Chapter 15

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"Maeve? Are you coming? We need to leave soon. Thor's waiting." Loki leaned against the door frame, unsure of how long she'd be. Some women took ages to get dressed. Of course, this was coming from someone who could change his appearance with a snap of his fingers, so perhaps he was biased. And if he was being honest, he didn't mind making Thor wait.

Maeve immediately swung open the door at his words. "Are you ready?"

For a moment, Loki just stared.

She wore a dark blue tunic, brown leggings, knee-high boots, and a brown corset, an outfit much more suited to their journey than the gown he had summoned earlier. Her golden curls were pulled back into a loose ponytail. Standing there in front of her, Loki had to use an illusion to hide his blush. She looks pretty, he thought to himself.


He cleared his throat. "Yes, um, this way." He took her arm and led her down the hallway.

"Thank you for doing this," she whispered. To anyone they passed, she simply meant the voyage, but to him, the meaning ran deeper.

"Family is very important in Asgard, my dear. You don't have to thank me."

"Yes, I do," she said. Even though worry plagued her, the fact that both Loki and Thor continuously referred to her brothers as his family did make her smile. "You were exhausted last night. I didn't want to bother you, but we needed your help."

"And I was happy to give it to you. Don't fret, flower, we'll have your brother back soon enough. I promise." He smiled down at her.

"Are you okay? Thor said you and your father get into arguments when you work together."

She felt his grasp tighten on her hand momentarily. "I'm fine."

"No, you're not."

"I am."

"For someone who's supposed to be the god of lies, you're not doing a very good job." She winked, causing him to roll his eyes.

"All right then. I will be fine. Better?" He winked to put her at ease, but a dark shadow crossed his face.

She sighed dramatically. "I guess that will have to do."

Loki and Maeve chatted idly about books and upcoming festivities as they passed servants, but neither of them dared to bring up the subject actually on their minds while still in the palace grounds. The wind whipped through her hair as they rode to the port, where a small but beautiful ship lay anchored.

"It's called the Ocean Viper," Loki said, giving name to the ship ahead. "One of our finest and fastest in the royal fleet. Our journey shouldn't take more than a few days as long as we don't run into any problems."

"Is that likely?" Maeve asked apprehensively. Loki shrugged and gestured for her to board. From the main deck, Thor waved them on as he raised the sails.

"About time you two showed up!" He grinned and came over to join them before leaning over to whisper conspiratorially in the princess' ear. "Your brothers are getting restless hiding out downstairs. Actually, one of them is getting restless."

Laughter tumbled from Maeve's pink lips. "Let's get going, then, so we can let Corey out." She knew it was definitely Corey, no question about it. While Asmund was the god of patience and wisdom, Corey had always been quite the opposite.

"All right then," Thor said cheerfully, clapping his brother a bit too forcefully on the back. "Go ahead."

Loki approached the helm of the ship. Closing his eyes, he ran his fingers down the wheel while muttering incantations under his breath. The Ocean Viper came to life as the sails caught the wind. He returned to the group looking slightly tired yet still proud of himself and his abilities.

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