Chapter 1

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"I won't."

These were the first words Loki had spoken all day.

Odin sighed and shook his head from his place behind his desk. Loki, however, couldn't stop moving. He paced constantly, unable to remain stationary. Too much ran through his head too quickly.

"Father, I-"

"Asgard has been on rocky terms with Vanaheim for years, my son," Odin said. "This is a solution to rectify it. We have been in this ridiculous and costly war far too long. We killed theirs, they killed ours. Now, we will unite the realms peacefully."

"But an arranged marriage-"

"Is not unheard of." Odin fixed his eye on his son sternly. "In fact, it is quite common. You will do your duty to your kingdom, Loki, and you will do it with grace."

Loki felt something inside of him collapse as he grasped for any straws he could possibly think of. For once, his silver tongue failed him. "What about Thor? Make him do it instead!"

"Thor has his own responsibilities as the firstborn of our family. As such, he will become king one day, and he will chose a wife according to Asgardian tradition when the time is right. You, however, have a more flexible future. You will remain in Asgard by Thor's side, as you have already chosen to eventually become his closest advisor and finest sorcerer. I have no doubt you will be able to do this, and you will do it well. You are intelligent, Loki, and talented. This much has always been the plan."

"It wasn't in the plan to sell me off for an alliance," Loki snapped at his father, shoving his hands into his pockets. Odin's comments about Thor ascending the throne also irked Loki, but he kept it to himself, as always. Cursed to be a shadow by a couple hundred measly years. He was Thor's closest advisor, he was Thor's finest sorcerer. Why couldn't the brute advise himself and leave him alone? "I don't remember you bringing that up as we laid out the blueprints for my life!"

"Sit down, Loki," Odin said sternly. After a few seconds of defiance, Loki did as he was told, slumping over in his seat the slightest bit. "You are being difficult about this."

"I wonder why."

"You would do well to speak respectfully to me, son. I will not tolerate rudeness in my family, is that understood?"

Loki groaned, rubbing his forehead to try to clear a growing headache. The contact seemed to make it worse. "Yes."

"Yes, Father," Odin corrected.

"Yes, Father," Loki answered, rolling his eyes once Odin's remaining eye was preoccupied with a scroll.

"Now, no matter your emotions or protests, we have already come to this arrangement. You are still young. I understand your hesitation. However, you have a duty to your people, Loki. Your marriage will end years and years of war between the Aesir and the Vanir. It will be a glorious day indeed."

I'll also be getting married. Remember that? Loki thought darkly to himself, annoyed that the old man was more focused on a political alliance than his own son's freedom. He wondered briefly how Odin had persuaded Frigga to allow this.

For now, though, the best idea would be the path of less resistance. Asgardian tradition dictated a year of engagement before a wedding. That left a year to figure out an escape if he couldn't do it now. Loki's mind worked through all of this rather quickly, and he straightened up, feigning casual interest. "Tell me about my bride. I don't ever recall meeting any of Frey's daughters."

Odin smiled at his son, believing his facade of curiosity. "She is the youngest and only daughter of Frey. I don't believe you ever would have encountered her before. I certainly don't remember the girl. The last time I saw any of the Vanir besides Frey and his attendants was many years ago, when you were younger still, before the war broke out. I've been told she is very beautiful."

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