Chapter 53

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Maeve stared at Loki, unable to take in his words. "What?"

Loki shifted on his feet. For the first time in a long time, he seemed nervous, though he was careful to hide his emotions around his brother. "We may or may not have lost the alliance," he repeated.

"But... how?"

"We'll spare you the details, they're unnecessary," Thor said. He began to pace again. "Everything was going well until lunch. We had straightened everything out with their problems. Then, one of the Elves made a comment. It was very sly, but it was obvious that he aimed his comment towards you. And it was offensive."

"Me?" Maeve asked, confused. "Who?"

Loki gave her a dry look. "I'll give you one guess."

"Loki, you shouldn't stoop to Garmath's level. He doesn't like me just because I was the first female he'd met who didn't find him irresistible-"

"He does like you. That's precisely the problem!" Loki raked a hand through his raven-black locks in agitation. "You don't understand."

"You should have been better than him. You are better than him."

To the surprise of the couple, Thor came to Loki's defense. "You did not hear him," he said reasonably. "If you were there and he said such things about Loki, you wouldn't have stood for it, either. I know you."

"So what happened after?" Maeve pressed, deciding to ask the specifics of Garmath's insults later on. At the moment, it didn't matter to her.

Loki sighed heavily. "It is all quite straightforward. I said something very passive aggressive in return, and then Thor said something very aggressive aggressive. Neither was overlooked, and they stormed out. I believe they plan to leave within the hour."

"Loki, you've got to apologize," Maeve said urgently. She took his hands and gripped them tightly. "You know Garmath isn't angry with Thor: he's angry with you. He's influential. If you sway him, perhaps they'll stay."

Almost immediately, Loki shook his head. "I will not," he growled. "He has been a thorn in my side for some time now, and I will not oblige his childish tantrums with an apology."

Maeve felt her own temper flare up. "No, you're the one being childish. You're not taking the obvious solution! You do realize that if the Light Elves leave, we have no chance of saving this alliance?"

"I realize that he wants you, Maeve. He's tried to lay his hands on you before: who's to say he won't do it again? To even suggest that a disgusting thing like that deserves an apology? I will not stand for it."

"I don't care what you'll stand for!" Maeve cried. "I'm not letting Asgard fall to ruin because of your stupid pride! Where will that leave us?"

A wave of lightheadedness washed over her and she stumbled backward, right into Thor. He steadied her as Loki rushed forward.

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