Zodiac party

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Shigure POV

Dinner is done!" Touruh said while setting the table.

"Good I will get Kino" I tried to put on a smile even though I felt terrible for waking her. Walking up the stairs I opened the door to a pitch-black room, turning on the lights I saw her laying on the floor, silver hair wrapped around her. I couldn't resist taking a picture and sending it to Hatori and Aya.

"Hey, Kino dear it's time to get up".

"Oh Kino.. why do you make me do this." I picked her up and dropped her in the bed which caused her to wake up startled.

"Dinner is ready." She rubbed her eyes and looked at me confused.

"Where are Akito and Hatori.," she mumbled looking around the fact that she didn't even acknowledge I was there hurt me.

"Hatori and Ayame left a while ago, Akito doesn't live here. Kino, you live with me now"

Kino POV

I was a little dismayed expecting Akito but instead seeing Shigure I tried to get up.

"No, you can't get up Hati said so." He was waving his finger in front of my face.

"I will bring dinner up to you." After Shigure left I was stuck in endless thoughts of why Akito would possibly let me live here, just because of Shigure. No, he has a plan, and I don't want anybody involved. Just as I was about to lay back down A Orange haired boy stepped through my door with a plate of food.

"Hey here is some food Shigure asked me to bring you, he is busy with his editor." He stared at me for a minute while I continued to stare out the window.

"Hey, are you deaf?!" He walked up to me and I just kept looking out the window not wanting to make eye contact.  Suddenly he grabbed my shoulder, just like Akito used to.

"Please don't." I flinched back shocking the cat a little. Then a voice was suddenly heard.

"Kyo leave her alone please for now." Shigure was in the doorway some lady downstairs yelling for him.

"Tch fine, go deal with your editor." Kyo hissed as he walked. Shigure just sighed.

" I will be back later Kino." He waves and closed the door. With that, I sunk back into the bed closing my eyes and drifting into sleep.

Shigure POV

I went up to check on Kino, she hadn't touched her food and was fast asleep. I put a blanket over her and took her plate downstairs.

"What is that girl to Akito," Yuki spoke in a calm tone behind me.

"That is not for me to tell, all I will say is that Akito was not fond of her parents and he is not fond of her." The phone started to ring so I went to answer it leaving Yuki in his own thoughts.

"Hello! Shigure speaking." On the other line, I heard a small German accent.

"Ah Shigure, Hatori told me that Kino is there. I and Hatsuharu are thinking of coming over." Momiji spoke.

"Sure that would be great I am sure she would like that." I looked up the stairs while saying this wondering if she even remembers them.

"Ja, we will be over in a bit then!" Before I could say goodbye he hung up. Just then I spotted Touruh at the end of the hallway

"Touruh, Momiji and the others are coming over. If you could put on some tea."

"Sure thing Shigure." She skipped off to the kitchen and started the tea.

About 20 minutes later the doorbell rang. I opened the door and was quite surprised.

"Oh wow Momiji what's all this."

"Well it was originally just me and Momiji but then Kisa wanted to come, but if Kisa was going then Hiro wanted to come.." Hatsuharu explained while coming in.

"Oh and also-." He was cut off by a shrill voice.

"KYO!" All of a sudden Kagura burst in causing quite the commotion.

"Oh Ja, Kagura came to" Momiji motioned right after she burst in.

"Well, I will go see if Kino wants to come down." Leaving the Chaos and thinking about how much Kyo and Kagura should have subtracted from there bank accounts I heard a noise. Something had fallen in Kino's room!

"Kino?!" I ran to her room, opening the door I saw her on her knees next to the floor. She turned her head to me.

"Shigure?" She tried to get up but was having a difficult time with it.

Kino POV

I had tried to get up out of bed hearing Kagura's voice. My legs failed under me and then I heard a worried Shigure calling my name.

He walked in seeing me weak on the ground.

"Shigure?" I questioned, then suddenly Hatsuharu came into the room.

"Hey Kino" he looked like he was trying to be cool but in reality, he looked worried.

"Hatori said you might need help walking so I came to assist Shigure." Walking over to me and helping me up Hatsuharu lifted me up and Shigure walked out with me and Hatsuharu following behind.

We got to the bottom of the stairs and that's when I saw everybody.

Kisa the tiger

Hiro the Sheep

Kagura the Boar

Ritsu the Monkey

And Momiji the Rabbit

Hatsuharu sat me down at the table. I was mentally preparing for everybody.

Loud Silence (Fruit basket fanfic) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now