Chapter 20 - Halloween

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He's Mine

Chapter 20 – Halloween

“Come on Blake, could you not have put in more effort with your costume?” Harmony asked with a frown as her eyes looked him up and down, her hand on her hip.

“I think it’s quite good…and very Blake-like,” Bethany said her input.

Blake smirked and turned to Harmony. “See? Beth likes it. You couldn’t have expected me to come as a snowflake, right?”

“Wouldn’t been a bit more imaginative,” Harmony mumbled. Suddenly she was pulled into his black cloak as he tucked her under his arms.

“I’m not sure, I think the Grim Reaper isn’t overly used and it should be. Happy Halloween!”

“Whatever,” She dismissed, pulling herself away from his embrace and smiling up at him. In moments like this, when he showed his easy-going side as he joked, Harmony couldn’t help but smile and let it go. Even if he was in his usual jeans and t-shirt under a black cloak.

“Not like you’re that original, what are you, a fallen angel?” He quipped.

Harmony stuck her tongue out at him and he just laughed in response. She may not have been completely original, however she had put the effort into all the little details, like her dark shadowed eyes and inhumanly pale complexion, topping it off with her blood red lipstick. She’d even made the wings herself, with a lot of help on her mother’s behalf. 

She heard the doorbell ring and looked around for Katie. Already her house was gradually increasing in faces, mostly recognised from her school as they stood about and socialised. Not seeing Katie in the room, Harmony headed over to the door to answer it. She was faced with Dylan and Connor.

“Hey, Harmony, guess who we are?!”

She looked them up and down for a moment, frowning. Connor was wearing denim jeans, which were fraying at the bottom and looking a little torn, and no top so that his muscular frame was on show, as was his olive skin. Connor looked the more curious of the two with his jeans and unbuttoned shirt. His exposed chest was sparkling with some sort of…glitter? Her eyes lifted to his face, also covered in the silvery glitter and his hair was gelled up into messy spikes.

“Got it!” She exclaimed after she’d pieced the two together, clicking her fingers together for emphasis. “Vampire and werewolf from that Twilight thing?”

“Yes, knew she’d get it,” Dylan cheered, turning to high five his friend. “Boy, the chicks are going to love this.”

Harmony laughed at them whilst shaking her head back and forth. “If you say so.”

“Is he here yet?”

Harmony spun round, coming face to face with a  devil. Katie was wearing a red dress, tight round the top and puffing into a short skirt from her hips. She topped it off with black tights, long red boots up to her knees, a pitch fork and horns.

“Not yet, what did you say he was coming as?”

“Jason, from Friday 13th.”

"And why that costume?”

“Because his name is Jason.” Katie rolled her eyes as if it was obvious and Harmony chuckled with amusement.

“How did you meet him again?”

“Do you not listen to anything I say?” Katie asked exasperatedly, causing Harmony to raise her eyebrow.

“Well, if you talked a little slower than one hundred miles an hour, it might be easier for me to understand you.”

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