7 - Golden Eyes

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      "You guys okay? Good

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"You guys okay? Good."

Hal landed next to Barry, with Alex landing right behind him. Diana, Shazam and Cyborg were all gathered in the middle of the pile of rubble, all staring at Green Lantern as though he was their de-facto leader in the absence of Batman. Which he was.

"Uh..." Hal looked at everyone, an awkward expression on his face. He definitely wasn't used to leading, was he? "We need to, uh..."

"We need to play offense," He added, sounding a little more confident than before. "Instead of coming up all to bat."

"Um what?" Barry looked at him, confused.

With a similar expression Diana added, "I apologise. But I don't know your games."

"What exactly do you mean?" Alex also asked, confused at his words. She was never a big sports fan anyway and his analogy was pretty much going over her head.

"I think what Lantern is saying is that it's time for some teamwork," Cyborg said. "So, let's pull it together."

"Yeah, baby! Clap it up!" Shazam enthusiastically held out his hand, hoping for a high-five. But when nobody obliged him, he pulled his hand back, letting an awkward smile appear on his face. Alex shook her head slightly. From what she had read about him in the news, he was pretty childish. How did he even get his powers, was what she would love to know.

"Well," Hal said, tapping his gloved hand on his chin. "He blasts those beams out of his eyes, right?"

"It's settled then!" Diana swung her sword through the air in a graceful arc. Alex stepped a little bit away. She didn't want her face accidentally cut off. "We blind him!"

"That's as good a plan as any," Hal replied. "Yeah, we follow and we stay out of sight. I'll turn on the fireworks to get his attention. Princess, you get in striking distance and stab that son of a bitch in the eyes."

'Princess? Why would he call Diana that? Not that she isn't a princess, but still...why?' Alex thought, a slight frown appearing on her face.

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