Chapter 6

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My... My father.

Me: What are you doing here? You left us!

Dad: Things are not as they seem. Come here and let me explain.

I did as he said.

Me: Professor, you knew that he was my father, why didn't you say anything?

Dad: I asked him not to. Let me start from the top. 2 years ago, when you turned 18, you didn't show any symptoms of being a mutant and it was already dangerous for you and your mother to stay together. When you turned 18 and your mutation didn't appear, professor and I agreed to change your memories of me for your own protection.

Me: What do you mean?

Dad: You knew that I was a mutant and that I worked here. Since you weren't one, the professor, your mother and I decided to change your memory, making you both believe that I left you.

Me: What you did is unacceptable. I had the right to know. I was 18, not 5, you didn't get to decide about me without even asking. Did you do the same thing to Aurora?

Dad: Yes.

Aurora came and they returned our memories. Then my father told me a few things about each element. Tomorrow I start my training. I asked permission from the professor in order to leave and get some fresh air, because all of this was too much. I went to the place I first saw him and suddenly...

Pietro's POV

I was sitting next to my sister's cage and thinking about Alicia; her grey eyes and her long blonde hair. It's been a week and I can't stop thinking about her. My sister, Wanda, pulled me out of my thoughts.

W: Are you thinking about her again?

Me: No, why do you think that?

W: Because you have a certain expression when you think about her. Why won't you go find her? At least you can get out of here.

Me: I can't enjoy anything as long as you are in here.

W: You can enjoy this. Pietro, go find her.

Me: A week has passed; she must have given up by now.

W: You have nothing to lose. Also, from what you told me about her, I don't think she'll give up. You have a chance, don't miss it.

Me: What about you?

W: I'm not going anywhere. The worst that can happen is I get a visit from the rest of our family.

I left and went to the place I first met her. She was there.

End of Pietro's POV

He was standing in front of me.

Me: You finally showed up!

P: Why? Where you looking for me?

Me: Unlike you; yes, I was!

P: If I had known, I would be here earlier.

Me: Even if you didn't, why didn't you come?

P: It's complicated. It will take time to explain.

Me: I have time.

P: If I tell you, you won't want to see me again; and I don't want that.

Me: You could just say that you don't want to explain.

P: I want, but I can't.

Me: Try me. I just found out that my father erased my memory against my will; I think I can handle it.

P: My father is keeping my twin sister in a cage. He wants me to do his dirty work and keep me on his leash.

Me: Who is your father?

P: Magneto.

Me: You don't look like you're his son. I mean you are good.

P: And how do you know that?

Me: I can see it in your eyes. –I replied and started coming closer.- Um, I have to go.

P: Would you like to meet me again?

Me: Yes, very much!

We exchanged phone numbers. I was late and Pietro brought me back with his speed. I told Aurora what happened and we went to sleep.

In the morning, our first class was history with Logan. Aurora and Alex were glaring at him. Then I got a text message. It was from Pietro. I smiled. I have him saved as Max from Maximoff, so nobody figures out.

Max: <Good Morning, what are you doing? I just woke up and I am thinking about you.>

Me: <I am at class. I am thinking about you too.>

L: Alicia, is what you're looking at your phone more interesting than the lesson?

A: Why Logan? Do you want to be sure before you bust someone else's fun again?

L: Me? This is a lesson and you are here in order to learn.

B: Well, there's a little time left, would you like to continue?

L: Yes.

He continued the lesson. I looked at Aurora with gratitude. After the classes, I started training with my dad. The first element I was going to work on was fire. Aurora and Bobby were with me; they were sitting in a bench nearby.

Dad: Why are you sitting so far?

B: Oliver, it's better this far. We don't want any "stray bullets" coming our way.

Me: Thanks for the vote of confidence.

A: You can do it, Alicia –she said while smacking Bobby's arm and told him- you need to be ready.

Me: I heard that.

She was about to reply when dad interrupted her.

Dad: Well, let's start. Extend your hand and think a flame appearing.

I extended my hand and closed my eyes. I felt the fire coming out and saw the flame. Suddenly, it started growing and I thought I was going to lose control. I thought of Pietro and I managed to contain it.

Two hours passed. At some point we were aiming with fire balls one another, so I could train on defense and offense. When I threw the fire ball at him, he stopped and told me

Dad: Since you can manage this, let's bring it up a notch.

Me: Meaning?

Dad: In order to control the elements, there are some moves.

Me: Like in "The last air-bender"?

Dad: Not quite this flashy. Well, you will throw a fire ball at me and I will make a shield using fire. Then you try.

I threw the flame and he turned his hands and made a shield.

Me: Wow, that's cool!

Dad: Did you get it?

I nodded.

Dad: It's your turn now.

I did the same thing, except that my middle finger was bent. The fire stopped.

Dad: Your fingers weren't placed in the correct way.

Me: Yes, but I did it.

Dad: You're right.

Our Mutant Love Stories (Alicia & Aurora) -UNDER EDITING Where stories live. Discover now