Chapter 2

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I was in the car and Aurora was calling me. Unfortunately, I can't talk to her now. She will be really sad and she doesn't deserve that. After a while, we arrived at the school. Professor gave me the tour of the school, showed me my room, I left my things there and we went to the yard. Then he told me

X: Since you lost the morning lessons, you will practice with Logan for a while.

Then a really muscular guy with a wild looking face came.

L (Logan): Hey, kiddo. I'm Wolverine. Who are you?

Me: I am Alicia Hale and I am not a kiddo. I am 20 years old.

L: Everyone is a kiddo compared to me, even the professor.

The professor left and I started training with Logan. I was trying to bend fire, but air was coming out. When I tried again, I closed my eyes, concentrated more and I did it, I made fire. But when I opened my eyes, I saw that I had hurt Logan severely.

Me: I am so sorry. Are you okay? I didn't mean to.

L: Yeah, I am fine. I already started healing.

I went to my room, grabbed my things and waited for the night to come. When everybody was asleep, I left.

As I was walking, I heard a girl screaming for help. I followed the voice and saw three men in hoodies trying to rob her. I told the girl to leave and she did.

Thief 1: Hey, this one let our prey loose.

Thief 2: Well, whatever, she's a good piece of meat too. We'll have a good time.

It seems I was wrong, they wanted to rape her. One of them came closer to me and I pushed him with my hand, I touched his chest and as I did that, air came out and he fell back. Then the other two came towards me. One of them found a broken beer bottle and the other grabbed a metal piece. As they were coming closer, I blinked and the three men were gone. I turned to leave, and fell on someone. I took a couple of steps backwards and saw a handsome young man, kind of fit, with grey hair and blue eyes.

??: What is a beautiful girl like you doing in a dangerous alley like this?

Me: Trying to avoid trouble... but pointlessly.

??: Are you saying that about me?

Me: The three rapists that crossed my path weren't the problem, but the hot gut that saved me is.

I said with a tone of sarcasm in my voice. When I realized what I said, I blushed. He giggled.

??: So, I made your day better. My name's Pietro.

Me: I'm Alicia. What's your ability?

P (Pietro): Super-speed. What's yours?

Me: I don't really know, but I can definitely bend fire and air.

P: And why don't you know exactly? –I explained what happened.- You need to go back, to learn how to control it. As long as you don't do that, your powers will grow inside you and it will be more difficult to control it, especially because it appeared in your twenties. Also, you have a choice, I didn't.

Me: What do you mean?

P: Nothing. I have to go.

He said and left immediately.

Me: Wait.

I yelled, but nothing. As I was thinking how to go back, Scott appeared in front of me with his motorcycle. I got on and we left.

Me: How did you know where to find me?

S (Scott): Jean found you... and you crashed our plans.

He whispered the last part, but I heard him. When we arrived at the school, I went to my room and slept. In the morning, my alarm went off and I heard the professor.

X: Breakfast is ready. Come to eat and then the lessons start.

After I got dressed, I grabbed my books and got downstairs for breakfast. I heard some students talk about me, with negative comments, about yesterday's event with Logan. I sat alone at a table and ate. The first lesson begun and I was about to go to my room until the second one starts, because I didn't want to listen to these comments anymore. Professor informed me that a little earlier, they brought a new girl in my room. As I walked in, the girl turned around. It was Aurora. We immediately hugged each other.

Me: I am sorry.

A: It's okay. I understand.

Me: If you're here, it means you're a mutant.

A: Yes. I checked. I have the X gene. We are mutants. Can you believe it?

Me: Truth is I am still trying to wrap my head around it.

We continued the lessons of the day and when we were done with the general courses, I talked to a girl who was continuously commenting.

Me: Hey, what's your problem?

??: Are you seriously asking me that? You burned a teacher.

Me: Who healed.

??: It was a coincidence that it was Logan. What if it was someone else?

Me: If it was anyone else, the professor wouldn't tell them to practice with me.

??: You –she was talking to Aurora- should be careful not to get burned.

A: And you should mind your own business and not push my buttons, because you don't know what I can do!

??: Excuse me? Are you threatening me? Sorry for trying to warn you!

A: I didn't...

At that moment, someone interrupted her and I saw her eyes shining. He was blond with brown eyes and a strong body.

??: Margaret, I think you should go. Your class starts in a while. –after she left, with a sour face, he turned to us- Don't mind her. She always acts like this, wants to be the center of attention. I am Alex Summers or Havok.

Me: You're Scott's brother.

Alex: Yes.

Me: Alicia Hale.

A: Aurora Diamonds.

We started talking. He is 21 years old and can shoot circular laser from his hands and chest. We told him that we are 20 years old, that my ability is controlling the air and the fire, and that Aurora's ability is destroying and revitalizing or rebuilding things.

Alex: Come, let me introduce you to my friends. We are the oldest children of the school.

A: You are not children anymore.

Alex: At heart, we will always be.

Me: Take that.

A: Careful, I am about to give you something.

She said smiling. Alex started walking and we were right behind him.

A: He's hot.

She whispered, but I think Alex heard her cause he was smiling. We arrived at a table and he introduced us to Bobby Drake or Iceman, who is 20 years old and can bend ice, he can make ice come out of his hands and also, he can become ice. Kitty Pryde or Shadowcat, who is 20 years old and can walk through anything. Last but not least, he introduced us to Anna-Marie or Rogue who can absorb other mutants' powers by touching them. We talked with everyone for a while. We actually liked them. Then, the professor called us for training.

Our Mutant Love Stories (Alicia & Aurora) -UNDER EDITING On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara