Love Is In the Air

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'What are you watching so intensely, nong?' Mild asked with curiosity.  We were at one of my friend's bar after a fan meeting. My Boo had had to leave early because he had to study the following day.  

'Look at this face.  Doesn't he look smitten? Oh, why do I look so smitten by him, phi?' Mild laughed and looking at the screen he said 'Hmmm perhaps because you are? Anyway, both of you look disgustingly smitten.  Fans love your video calls. Did you make one yesterday? I didn't know.'

'No, this one wasn't live.  I recorded it because I wanted to see his face with more detail,' I said. Mild laughed again.  'You are so toast.'  The other guys got interested in our conversation, so they started paying attention to us.  

'How is your seduction plan going?' Run asked amusingly.

'Terrible,' I said honestly in a bitter tone. 'He's always reminding me that we need to be professional and responsible.  He scolds me when I make sexy jokes and when I tried to kiss him, it was a disaster.'

'When did you try to kiss him? He didn't tell me!' Mild said with alarm. Boat looked at him with annoyance.  I told him bluntly 'I hate you. He doesn't have to tell you everything.'

'Don't complain or I won't give you more information, nong,' he answered smirking.  The guys shook their heads, smiling. However, Boat looked pissed. 

'Today before the event, when we were waiting for the make up artists in the dressing room. He hugged me from behind, so I turned around and I tried to kiss him but he moved backwards.  He said 'We need to behave, yai nong,' and he hugged me tighter.  Those mixed signals were driving me crazy. 'I know he wants me too, I don't know why he won't budge.'

'I told you why.  Many times, but you don't want to listen.  He's protecting you and himself. He's convinced that what's he's doing is right, nong.  If you're not going to be patient you should give up on him.'  

Boat glared at him and said 'How can you be so harsh?' Mild just ignored him.

'I won't give up. But, tell me what I can do, khun pi' I said desperately.

'There's only one thing that you can do. It's pretty obvious too.  How can you not know?' He answered nonchalantly.

Boat looked at him outraged and told him 'Can't you see nong's having a hard time?'

'Of course I know.  I'm not making fun of him, I'm just telling the truth,' he defended himself.

'Oh, because you are who knows p'Mew the best, right?' Boat said sarcastically.  

'I'm sorry if that annoys you, but it's true. He's my best friend.'

'Is he? Is that all you want him to be?' Boat spat.

'He is. What's happening with you today? You're not like this!' 

We were all very uncomfortable. It didn't look as if Boat was quarrelling on my behalf anymore, so we were trapped as silent spectators.  

'I'm tired of you always watching everything p'Mew does, says and feels.  Is he the only man on this planet?'

'Boat, what's wrong with you? He's my friend!' Mild answered heatedly. 

'Wait! Boat, are you jealous?' Kao shouted laughing.

He looked at him and answered bleakly 'Yes.'  We all gasped.

'Wait, what? Why?' Mild asked dumbfounded. 

'Why do you think? Why can't you just pay more attention to people who's always near you? Why do you have to be so oblivious? Why are you so fixated on him?' He ranted. 

Mild was perplexed.  'He's my friend, that's it.  I swear,' he stuttered.  'Please, don't be mad, I don't have any other feelings for Mew.'

'Prove it,' Boat said, still angrily.

'But, how?'

'Let me kiss you.'  We all closed our mouths tight to avoid making a sound, but we were screaming frantically with our eyes.  They seemed to have forgotten that we were still there. 

'No.  This is not a good idea,' Mild said unsure.

'Please, only one,' Boat said more calmly.

'Errr... no,' Mild said.  Probably he was trying to decide if Boat was joking or not.

'If you let me kiss you once, I won't ever bother you again.  I won't say anything even if you stalk Mew and I will never ask you for another kiss,' Boat said smiling. 

'Are you sure? You won't flip out like this again?' Mild said hesitantly. 

'I promise,' he answered and his grin became wider. 

'Just one kiss?' He asked.  We were all fanboying like crazy, but in silence.  They were focused on each other and we didn't want to remind them that they had an audience.  

'Only one tiny little kiss,' He said grinning broadly. 

'OK.  But then you have to apologize,' Mild said.  We all gasped again and we had to put our hands on our mouths to suppress a wail. 

'Krub,' he agreed.  We were all sitting on tall stool chairs.  Boat stood up and place himself in front of Mild's stool, between his knees.  He put his hands on Mild's face and nape and he leaned on him.  I quickly checked around just in case, but the bar had closed a while ago so we were the only people left there and my friend was busy in the kitchen. Anyways, they didn't seem to care.

Boat closed his eyes and pressed his lips on Mild's.  He was surprised in the beginning, but then he surrendered and closed his eyes too. We could see how he melted with that kiss. He even almost fell from the stool chair, so Boat had to hold him tighter.  They seemed to be mesmerized with each other.  We started clapping, pounding the table and whistling, and only at our riot of enthusiasm they woke up and stopped kissing.  Mild blushed hard and Boat just was smiling goofily. 

'That kiss wasn't tiny,' Mild told Boat.  We all burst out. 

'I'm sorry,' he said coyly,  'And I lied.  I will ask you for another kiss,' he said mischievously.  

'You're a naughty boy, I'll have to punish you,' Mild said flirting.

'Shall we go home?' He asked.

Mild smiled shyly and nodded.  We were still laughing so Mild stood up and he pointed at us with a finger 'Shut up.' But we burst out even more.  Before they left I shouted 'Wait, you didn't tell what I should do!' Mild smiled and said 'Kaownah, you tell him, krub', and they left.

'Well, that was...' Run started saying.

'Adorable!' Kao finished the sentence and added 'I'm so proud of them!' Run nodded.

'I'm so jealous,' I complained. Kao sighed heavily, shook his head, rolled his eyes and said:

'Ok. Listen. What is the only thing that Mew can't help doing when he's around you?  


Can you guess? 🤭

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