Addicted to you

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Gulf's PoV

We finished the shooting of the series too soon.  I couldn't found any excuse to kiss him again and I was feeling withdrawal symptoms like a kissing junkie. Only the special was pending; we were going to stay in a southern seaside resort for a few days to film it and I had made plans to confess my feelings again.  This time, I had to be more assertive and let him know that I was completely serious. These last months had been hectic, so we were all very excited about the trip.  It was kind of a holiday for us.  We had been having events and interviews almost every day and It turned out even more exhausting than filming. We hadn't had the chance of being just the two of us alone for a single minute and I missed our rehearsals terribly.  I was missing our intimacy like a castaway misses WiFi, so I was really thrilled to travel with Mew.  I already could picture us sneaking out together. However, I was very nervous too.  I was terrified that he said he didn't feel the same and that affected our friendship or our work.  We were working really hard on promotion to get a second season and I didn't want to spoil it. 

I needed to tell him, but I was feeling really uncertain.  For the past months,  I felt that I was walking on thin ice.  My Boo was as protective, hugger and sweet as ever, but I could sense his discomfort when I made a naughty comment about us.  Also, he was always the last in arriving and the first in leaving. Our conversations were mostly about work, school or the guys.  He wouldn't answer any personal questions and he got very tense when p'MAME was next to us. His attitude was driving me crazy and I knew I had to restrain my feelings or I would drive him away even more.  At first I thought that he might be seeing someone else, but I dismissed the idea soon.  He hardly had time to have a shower, there was no way he was dating anyone.  And then, on my birthday, everything changed.  I was having my first big solo event and  I felt restless, so I asked him to be there with me but he said that he had an important test that day.  I tried to conceal my disappointment but I understood.  Nonetheless, not only did he show up in the venue, but he also surprised me singing our song for me.  I wanted to scream louder than the fans when I first heard his voice.  He had asked my manager to surprise me.  I'm glad I'm not a cryer, or I would have been totally embarrassed.  

After the fan meeting, he came to have dinner with me and my family and he was very charming with my parents. He was like a real boyfriend.  He answered all their questions, he made jokes and told stories to entertain them.  My heart was so full that I thought it would burst.  When we arrived home, my mother said 'What's happening between you boys? You looked like a real couple today.'  For a moment I got really stressed.  I was sweating like a ho in church, so I just blurted it out:

'We are not a couple... Yet. However, I'll try to fix that detail. Will it be a problem for you?' I was shaking in fear, waiting for her answer. 

My mom started laughing and said 'Well, no... You know that boy is my weakness.  If you must be with a man, at least he should be as handsome as your phi Mew, I suppose.'  I felt fifty percent of relief.  My father was still pondering.  I was impatient so I asked him 'Dad?' He nodded and said 'Well, if you were a daughter I would give you to him in the blink of an eye.  Not many people could brag about having a son in law who is a successful actor and musician, but also a capable engineer who graduated with honours from one of the best universities in the country, earned a Master's degree, is studying to get a PhD and he's only 28.  He is very impressive, indeed.  I think that I would be very proud of a son in law like him.' He nodded again. 

'But, dad.  I'm not your daughter.  So, do you approve of him as my partner?' I said quivering. At least he wasn't shouting at me.  'I never thought that this could happen in my family, but I don't see why I should think differently if I had a son or a daughter.  Mew would still make a formidable son in law,' he answered slowly, choosing every word.   I hugged my father and bowed to him. With my parents blessing, I felt that we could be happy forever.  I only had a little problem to solve: I had to convince him that I was the man of his dreams. 

We arrived at the film location by boat, so most of us were boatsick. I was feeling quite dizzy, but he was glowing, as if he travelled by boat every day.  He filmed the BTS until we did the check in and, of course, he mocked me about how weak I was.  Anyways, I was so ecstatic when I discovered that our rooms were next to each other than the sickness disappeared.  I had to prepare for the next day, so I slept early and I dreamt about him.  Something about skinny dipping in the ocean... 

We were able to kiss a lot the next day, but I had to wait one more day for our last, and probably the hottest love scene of the series.  His kisses were devilishly intense.  He seemed hungrier than ever and it looked like he had missed our kisses too, so I took it as a good sign.  I had a plan.  I would drive him mad during our scene together, and after the shooting, I would go to his room to tell him everything and finish the job.   ;)

Loving Our Journey - (MewGulf, Canon Compliant)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora