Bitch Stole my High

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Hello, Everyone! I'm so happy and amazed that this fanfic, my first attempt, has already gathered 1K of views! Thank you all for staying. English is not my first language, so I'm very sorry if you find mistakes. I try to check the spelling and grammar before posting but then I continue fixing errors, so if you find any (or a gross mistake on register), please let me know and I'll correct it right away.

I've noticed that some people are skipping part 4, probably because of the cliffhanger I left on part 3 (sorry about it). Trust me, It's safe. I wouldn't bash Mild because I love him too much.

If you can recommend other MewGulf fanfics that you loved, please write the title on the comments. Thank you!

Hope you enjoy it!


'Cut,' phi Tee shouted. Everyone relaxed, except for the actors. Mew and Gulf didn't hear the order to stop, or may be they did and they chose to ignore it.

'Again, huh?' P'May asked p'Tee.

'Leave them. Soon they'll be gasping for air and they'll come back to us,' He answered chuckling.

'I don't like where things are going with these two, khun.'

'Do you want me to talk to them, krub?'

'It's ok, khun. I'll do it.'

Just as p'Tee had predicted, Mew and Gulf stopped kissing to breath and noticed that no one was shooting any more. As usual, Mew asked p'Tee if they had what he needed and only after the director agreed, he disentangled from Gulf arms and legs and left the bed to pour some water for both of them. Mild was running to him with a big grin on his face.

'What's up?' Mew asked mimicking the contagious grin.

'We have a visit today! Come to the lobby, nong Strong is here to say hi!' Mild told him warmly. After checking that he wouldn't be needed for a while, Mew hurried to the lobby to greet his friend. Gulf was hearing from a couple of metres away. He tried to look nonchalant, but Mild could tell that he was a nerve-wreck. He couldn't stop moving his leg impatiently. 'Don't worry, nong! Strong and Mew have been only friends for a while now,' Mild told him, 'Nothing's going on between them.' Gulf stared at him and said nothing. 'Come on nong, they have no intentions to be together again.'

'Yeah, right,' Gulf thought and left the room abruptly, slamming the door behind him. He strode to the lobby, but when he arrived there, Mew was already coming back alone, so he could relax a little bit. 'Where is your friend, khun phi?' He asked, trying to sound as natural as possible. 'He left. I told him that I only had five minutes. Oh! Why? Did you want me to introduce you? I didn't think about it. Sorry, nong!' 'No worries,' he said with a bright smile that made the older feel a little giddy. 'I'll meet him next time,' Gulf said with a little smirk on his face. 'Ok, krub. Why are you so red? Still because of the kiss?' Mew teased his nong and hugged him affectionately. 'Shut up,' he said laughing. When they entered the studio, p'May was still frowning in concern.

After they finished filming and wrapped up everything for the day, p'May asked Mew to see her in the office. He felt a pang of guilt in his stomach. He knew what she was going to tell him.

'Nong, you know I love you and if you're happy, I'm happy, right krub?' She said in a deadly serious tone.

'I know, krub,' He answered with the sight fixed on the floor. 'I know I shouldn't have let my friend came here. I know that a photo together could cause a big problem for everyone and...'

'That's not it, nong,' May interrupted him. 'I'm glad you understand that we have to avoid risks at all cost. A lot of people depend on the success of this series,' she said looking into his eyes.

'Yes, khun. What is it then?' he answered quizzically.

'Are you dating n'Gulf?' May asked bluntly.

'P' May! I'm not!' He said quickly, completely taken aback.

'I've noticed that there's something going on between you. It shows.'

'I'm not gonna lie. It's true I like him, but nothing has happened, phi.' He blushed when he admitted his feelings.

'I think the kid is in love with you.'

Mew choked on his own saliva and gulped for air. He looked at her hopefully and she felt guilty and uncomfortable, but continued:

'I'm really worried about it. He's too young and he was straight until a couple of weeks ago. I'm afraid that all the good things that we've achieved so far can be gone in a second after a lovers' quarrel. I'm sorry, nong. I hate to tell you this, but unless you are absolutely sure that he is not going to change his mind, you should wait until we finish promoting, and perhaps even further. Remember our goal, we all want TharnType 2 be a reality, right?'

His eyes welled up, but he fought the tears. He hummed and nodded. 'You are right, krub.'

'Also, I don't want you to suffer again.'

'Don't worry, khun phi.'

'I'm not worried,' she lied, 'I trust you both. But perhaps it would be better if we keep this talk between us.'

'I agree, krub. Don't worry. I think the best is to continue just like until now, krub.'

'Thank you, dear. I'm sure this is the best for now. With time you'll be able to understand his feelings better, don't you think?'

'Yes, krub.'

After he left the office, he finally allowed his tears to roll freely down his cheeks. Luckily, everyone had already left the building. Mew's head was a tornado of unanswered questions. He felt very anxious. On one hand, he was elated with the idea of his baby being in love with him. However, on the other hand, he knew that what he felt for him was not going to fade with time, but the possibility of his Yai nong going back with his girlfriend or even deciding that being with a guy wasn't for him was a threat to everything that he and the whole team had worked so hard for. It was almost impossible to keep a secret in this industry, but he wasn't ready to give up on his Bii completely. He decided that he could wait. He had to find the balance between the fan service, the fact that they shouldn't try to be together and their feelings for each other. Not an easy task.

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