Chapter 22: Down the line.

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January 19th, 2012

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January 19th, 2012. 2:48 P.M.

The biggest hype that the world was ending didn't live up to it's name. This was the second time that Bianca had lived through the irrational theory, yet her world stayed intact.  For once she was content in everything she had. 

Dawson was released from the hospital and declared healthy. Dallas moved into the house, selling his home for a nice profit and with the extra money decided to renovate Bianca's place. She finally had her slim figure back, by a miracle she was able to bounce back fast. 

"I can't believe they're eighteen soon!" she exclaimed in utter shock, staring down at dozens of baby photos of her twin daughters. It was a few weeks before they became adults, and Dallas was involved in planning the party for them, "Seems like yesterday we were that young."

The pair were settled down at the dining table, going over plans to the birthday. It was a huge day for them, one that neither Dallas nor Bianca had when they turned that age. Bianca remembers the big one-eight of Dally's, but not very clearly. All she remembers was getting blind drunk at the drive in with him, after he finally left home for good. 

Delia and Macy pass the living with their bags, ready to go out. "Where are you two of to?" Bianca raised an eyebrow, only to remember she didn't have to be all in their business anymore. Delia held her hand out to show the ring that Dean had given her, now it won't fit past her knuckle. "I need the thing resized cause I want to wear it now, even though my hands are swelling like crazy. He said he'd get me another later on anyways."

Bianca and Dallas snapped a look at each other, "Like propose?" Dallas asked, slightly taken back by it. It was odd how when they became parents time seemed to speed up, and what they did at the same age wasn't what they wanted for their own kids. 

"Well he did promise." she gushed, already picking out her bridesmaid dresses in her mind. The twins set of downtown to one of the jewellery stores, whilst Dallas and Bianca went ahead with the plans. 

January 19th, 2012. 3:28 P.M.

Not too long later  Dallas and Bianca decided to take a break in front of the television. "Jesus. I didn't know planning parties was so much work." he said, Bianca laid her head on his shoulder and hugged his bicep, "Trust me. As someone who had to plan two separate birthdays for those two every year, this is a piece of cake."

The TV flashed the words breaking news, and it only just missed Bianca's gaze. It wasn't until the words that came from the reporters mouth startled her, "We have word that a jewellery store downtown is under siege with three suspects holding at least twenty people hostage."

Dallas and Bianca spring up, shaking to the core as the woman continues to give information. "It is believed that one person has been shot, and police are unaware to if others have been ignored as of yet. Three men aged between thirty five and up to fifty are believed to be the cause. This comes after 18 years since the last robbery that had taken place just down the road at the local pharmacy where two youths stole medication and money. "

Without a word, Bianca and Dallas sprint out of the house and into his car. He speeds out of the drive way with no intention to look for on coming traffic. It was too important to them to get their on time. The report showed them 18 years ago, Dallas remembered how violent he had been during those robberies. 

Now that their daughters were on the other side, it killed them. Bianca wondered how the parents of other kids felt when she had pointed a gun at their heads during one of those raids all that time ago. 

They made it in time for police barricades surrounding the place, and standby officers. Dallas tried to jump over the barriers, but was stopped by officers. "My kids are in there!" he argued. This feeling of helplessness was something that made Dallas very uncomfortable, he thought he had to get to them or else. 

January 19th, 2012. 5:38 P.M.

After hours of restless pacing back and forth, constant hair pulling and swearing like a sailor, Dallas was relieved when the police finally made a move. Suddenly the doors to the store were flung open, and a few shots were fired, then people started to sprint out of the store.

Two of them being Macy and Delia,  who raced straight into the arms of each parent. They collapsed into a heap on the pavement, all four of them holding onto each other for dear life. Dallas pulls Macy's head back, and kisses her forehead, "You aren't hurt?" he'd say. 

The twins were perfectly fine, just a bit shaken up and sobbing into their parents arms. Bianca and Dallas look at each other in the type of look that without words told each other how guilty they felt for what they did years back. They were selfish and hurt kids, who needed an outlet but were far too neglected to get one. 

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