Chapter 19: My girl.

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December 24th, 2011

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December 24th, 2011. 10:23 P.M.

That very night Dallas wandered into the twins bedroom as they were getting ready for bed, as they settled under the sheets, he decide to get on the floor to speak with them. Dallas grunted heavily as he crumbled to the ground between the two beds, "You're getting old." Delia giggled along with Macy.

"Oi." Dallas quipped, leaning back against the night stand, "I am on the downward slope to middle age. My body is deteriorating at a rapid rate. Every movement brings along a new found muscle ache." he joked, as if his limbs weren't in pain at that very moment.

He chuckled at the irony of it, then asked, "So, are we excited for Santa?" The twins sneak each other a concerned glance, probably wondering if he was serious or not. Even the fact that he was treating them as half their age was odd, "Dad, we aren't babies!" Macy exclaimed with a reddened face.

"Are you serious?" he raised, "I was a baby all the way up until thirty years of age. I can't believe you'll both be eighteen soon. I wasn't eighteen that long ago." Dallas couldn't believe how fast the years went by, this thought only brought guilt for not being with his daughters.

"Try a billion, million, trillion years ago!" Delia cackled. Dallas felt a surge of happiness, "That reminds me. You've got seven more aunts, all my sisters." he said out of no where. The twins began to cackled even louder now, and soon aimless laughter engulfed all three of them.

Dallas kissed his little girls goodnight, because that's what they were too him. Delia whispered that of all her many wishes, she was glad that having him in her life and that he was her dearest one. He knew that it was his time to finally have normality, sort of like a second chance at life.

Macy fell asleep thinking about how he wasn't the person that everyone said he was. Dallas the hardened criminal, the one with dangerous tendencies and a taste of expensive drugs was gone. He had rejected that image of himself, and somehow, by the strike of a miracle changed. 

December 24th, 2011. 10:42 P.M.

"I didn't think you'd come." Delia spoke, peering over to where Dean stood half in the dark. Her heart trembled, she had sneaked out after her sister began to snore. Dean moved forward from the shadows, "Well I did." he jeered aggressively. This wasn't like him, she knew he was hurt. 

Delia stared through him, not trusting herself to look at him in the face. Words sizzled on the tip of her tongue, yet she needed to wait for the right moment. "It's cold." she moved the conversation. Dean grunted, shoving his hands into his pockets, "Why am I here?" he asked, desperate to cut to the chase. 

He was in pain, she had hurt him so much when she left without an explanation. He reacted accordingly to that fact alone, he still loved her or else he wouldn't have come. Delia stared down at the grass, "I have something very serious to tell you." she said with a frown.

She snapped her eyes up,  "I should start with telling you how much fun we had, but I am sure you know that. I didn't want to shove you away. I was frustrated and didn't know how to handle the situation, but since my dad has come into my life I have realised that I have to be clearer or else I'll end up like my mother."

"Like your mother?"

"I'm too much like her. In the same sense that..." she paused, readying herself for the biggest decision of her life. It was the break all moment, "...I'm a teen mom. Dean, I'm pregnant." she squinted, prepared for the hatred he would have. And with those two words his anger vanished, "And it's mine?" 

"Absolutely." she replied rather surprised at his response. 

Dean raced to Delia, sliding his hands under her arms and lifting her from the ground. "I'm in love with you." he gushed, spinning her around. For once she felt lighter, like the entire universe had been lifted from her shoulders. "I'm going to be a daddy!"

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