Chapter 4: And his name was Dallas.

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August 8th, 2011

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August 8th, 2011. 12:39 P.M.

Delia and Macy had always believed they had an average life growing up, besides having an absent father which didn't seem like much of a loss at the time. As they aged, the itch started to spread over their bodies until the need to know about him consumed every inch of their minds. With the reluctance of Bianca, the pair had to take extreme measures to expose who he truly is. 

Delia and Macy hiked up the steep driveway to the front door of a very nice house. They knocked, and waited until a very pregnant aunt Amy waddles to the door, "Ladies." she gasped in shock. "Come in. Come in. Oh my." she was so surprised that her face got stuck. 

"We thought we'd pop in." Macy grinned. Delia looked around, "Is cousin Brad here?" she asked, in need of his computer services. Aunt Amy shook her head, "Of course not. Your mother is a klutz, did she not tell you he went off to college last week?" she laughed, ushering the twins into the living room for a seat on the couch. 

Shortly after a racket near the foyer alerted the twins, "Uncle Steve must be home." she said, this lightened the twins up more. He was in the same shock to see Delia and Macy as aunt Amy was when he walked in. 

"My favourite nieces!" exclaimed Uncle Steve who had grown a thick moustache, settled down on the couch next to Delia. She leans in to his warm embrace, "I only saw you last month-- Now you're a completely new person."

"Your aunt hates it!" he exclaims happy to see his nieces. Amy chuckles then turns back to the twins, "So, I see you're not at school?"  she said with a raised eyebrow. "They're in trouble. Aren't you?"  uncle Steve tickled Delia. She melted in his hold, he made her feel safe. Steve was like a father to them growing up, yet they were unknowing to the past he shared with their mother. 

"We have a problem and you're the only people we can turn to for advice." Macy informed them in all seriousness. Amy and Steve settled in, expecting the worst, Delia started off, "We need to know about our dad." she stated firmly. Delia wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"She had to be very careful back then, she was only your age when she became pregnant with him. He wasn't well... That is why your mother has always been reluctant to tell you." aunt Amy told them. She wasn't willing to go any further with this discussion, "Your mother would kill me if I said anymore." 

Delia stood her ground, "That isn't acceptable I need to know everything." she said. Uncle Steve and aunt Amy were hesitant to continue.  "Considering we're supposed to be at school, we won't tell a soul." Macy confirmed, pleading just as much as Delia was to know. It was eating them alive.

"Listen, your father didn't want to leave you... but he had too." Uncle Steve chimed in."So mom made him!" Delia jumps to the conclusion, "She did all this!" she thought she found the truth. 

"No Delia. It wasn't that simple. You see they got into a lot of trouble when younger, and I mean A LOT." Amy insisted. 

"Like what? Sex? Alcohol?" Macy suggested, it didn't seem so bad. "I really can't tell you what exactly went down." Aunt Amy said, the memory pained her greatly. First she thought she lost her husband, then her sister... and don't forget about the whole murder trail...

Uncle Steve goes upstairs. The twins corner their aunt for more details while he's gone, "Don't you think we have the right to know?" Delia pouted, using her puppy dog eyes to get the truth out. 

"All I can say is his name is Dallas and he is 35 now." Aunt Amy blustered out. Finally a breakthrough the twins thought, and that's all they needed to hear.  Steve bounces down the staircase, and hands the girls another photograph. This time it showed their father alone. His face was much clearer, standing in the middle of a train and holding onto the pole. They could see his face much clearer now.

Delia's heart stopped in her chest, she was captivated by him and the likeness they shared. She brushes her fingertips over the image, it was almost too much to bear for her. Macy on the other hand didn't want to even glance at it. She became hesitant, and standoffish, like something deep rooted inside of her turned him off. Delia was just too enhanced to see it on her twins face. 

August 8th, 2011. 4:24 P.M.

The train station held the promise of a ride home. That hope ended with bright red letters all across the board that said delayed. Delia threw her hands up in defeat, "We're stuffed!" she collapsed next to her sister who couldn't breathe. 

Macy struggled, she whined low, one step away from being sent into a full blown panic attack. "I'll work it out. We will get home. It will be my fault, mom knows I trick you into doing things you don't want too. I can take the heat for the two of us." Delia comforted her. "It's just too much..." Macy whispered, Delia shook her head, "Who? Dad?"

"He's not our father! Paul is!" Macy spat at Delia, who started to shake her twins shoulders violently, "You have to get a grip! He is our father! He is! He is! He is!" Delia repeated until her voice fell weak. She didn't want to cry in front of Macy, not now, "I wish you wanted this as much as I did." she sniffed, trying not to let tears fall from her eyes. 

"Delia say you want closure but you want him to love you. You want to be wanted by him and you can't be certain he can give you that. Mom hid him for a reason." Macy tried to reason as always it fell on death ears. Delia was set on finding him, and nobody was stopping her from dragging Macy along for the ride. "I can't do this without you."

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