Chapter 17: Christmas II

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December 24th, 2011

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December 24th, 2011. 5:40 P.M.

Amy whisked Bianca out to the backyard where everyone was, "You remember reverend Patterson and his wife Doris?" Bianca didn't. What she did remember was growing up her family went to church once a month to free the guilt of living in a bad neighbourhood. It only really stuck with Amy, she kept contact with the church after all these years. 

Bianca shook hands with both of them, exchanging side kisses while Amy went to check on the baby. After a small pause of silence, Doris spoke first, "Lovely daughters Bianca. Our Mike is somewhere around here." she complimented, "Oh, the new baby as well. How far along are you?"

"Six months." she muttered, not paying much attention. Bianca had a small window of opportunity to search for Dallas, when she was pretending to look for Mike instead. Her mother hadn't yet arrive, so she hoped that something was keeping her from the party.

"I've heard wonderful things about Macy. Her and old Mike have been battling it out at school to be the top of their classes. It's a tight races." he winked. "Oh yes. Macy is an intelligent girl." Bianca said hopeful. 

"She sure will make someone a beautiful wife one day." he added, a little creepy in Bianca's opinion. She gritted her teeth at his remark, swiftly switching it into a friendly grin. Below the surface she was irritated, knowing that he was attempting to downplay her success. People like him knew just how to get under people's skin. 

Across the yard, Dallas wandered around with a beer in one hand. He noticed that Bianca was stuck in the dull conversation, and decide to intervene by using his sway to get her out. As he approached them, Bianca gripped him hoping that they'd not ask about Paul. 

In the reverends eyes, she could see the despise towards Dallas after all these years. Bianca prayed that Dallas would behave and not bring up the whole church mess when they were kids. Bianca held him tighter, "You know Dallas Winston, right?"

Doris muttered something under her breath, Bianca could've swore she heard the words demon and devil. Dallas went straight in for the kill, revisiting that painful memory which caused mass awkwardness, "Did you lot ever fix those antique windows?" he spoke slyly, taking a sip from the beer in his hand. 

Many years back Dallas decided to break the stained windows at the church, he didn't know that they were over three hundred years old. Doris and the reverend faced each other with mortified expression, while Bianca and Dallas tried to hide their snickers. Steve saved the day with the dinner announcement. 

December 24th, 2011. 5:40 P.M.

In the pool house Macy was wrapped up under thin sheets with Mike. She couldn't believe that she had just lost her virginity to him, and like this. "I thought it would last more time." she said a little disappointed. "First times are fast." Mike snapped defensive. The pair rushed back into their clothes upon hearing that dinner was ready, and wandered back to the main house. 

Macy felt quite repulsed at what happened, more so how out of character it was of her. Delia meets up with her, "Where the hell were you?"  she asked playfully, only to realise that something was wrong with her sister. Macy's hair was scruffier than before, and Mike was leaving the pool house shoe less. 

It didn't take Delia long to put two and two together, "You didn't." she mouthed shocked, and overprotective of her sister. It was utter disbelief that her good twin sister would do such a thing. Macy wouldn't even look at her, "God. Macy what the hell?" she spat. Delia wouldn't take her eyes off of her sister.

"He's a player, a sleazeball. I can't believe you let your guard down for him." Delia informed. Macy just ignored her sister, knowing that it was a mistake and that she didn't need someone else to tell her that. Mike played the perfect christian son, but was a fake. He slept around with girls and sold pills from his bedroom window. 

Across the room, Amy pointed to where the children would sit. Loanne realised there wasn't enough chairs left on the adult table for her. "Loanne at the kids table." her aunt said. Loanne couldn't believe it, after all the puberty she's dealt with so far she's still with the kids, "I've got boobs and underarm hair." she objected. 

At twelve she was the oldest one by four years, Loanne scoffed and sat down at the small table. Amy crouched down beside her niece, "I promise next year you can be at the adult table." she said, messing Loanne's hair up.

December 24th, 2011. 6:00 P.M.

As the guest settled into the dining room, a knock that sounded more like someone hammering hit the front door. "It must be mom." Amy forced a smile, leaving to go answer it. Steve followed her to the foyer, knowing how difficult his mother in law could be. 

Dally's heart rate peaked, he tapped Delia for attention, "She's still alive?" he whispered, attempting to count the years. Delia's face went pale as flour, "She's going to flip." she muttered. If it wasn't Dallas back in Bianca's life, it was the premarital pregnancy that would trigger an argument. 

Before complaining could be heard making it's way down the hall, Dallas ducked out for a cigarette. Bianca's mother entered the room, and everything went cold. Steve tried to help her to the her seat but she waved him off, "I'm not dead yet." she spat still as bitter as she's always been. 

"Fashionable and late as always mom." Bianca joked to lighten the mood. She's shut down fast, "Your pregnancy is making you babble, Bianca."  her mother responded rudely. Bianca felt like sinking into the ground after that comment.

"Hello Gran." Delia greeted with a warm smile. Her grandmother inspected her without missing a beat she comments, "Delia. You seemed to have gained a sufficient amount of weight."  The grandmother then turned to the others, "And Macy, aren't you a gorgeous young lady." she bestowed compliments, "Little Loanne, you've both grown to be stunning."  

Delia had never been the favourite. She wasn't able to play the part as a doormat like her sisters could. Her grandmother always was adamant in separating siblings, even with her own children. Bianca was never the favourite either. 

Steve decided to break the ice, "It's the sixteenth Christmas without Lori." he said reminded the family. "God bless her soul." the reverend prayed, "Maybe Lori be here with us."  Every year someone would count how long its been, and every year it painfully reminded them.

This was an especially sore subject for Bianca, after all she was the closest to her younger sister. Bianca was seventeen when it happened, not long after Dallas had been sentenced and she had returned home. Lori was barely fourteen when she overdosed.

It never surprised Bianca that she could've found danger around that neighbourhood that they lived in. Some guys tricked Lori into doing drugs, she wouldn't have tried them if she had known the truth. The worst part was that she trust them. 

It was the first major event which Bianca didn't have Dallas to guide her. He was out of sight, but not out of mind. 

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