Chapter 9: On the double.

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December 14th, 2011

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December 14th, 2011. 10:36 A.M.

As winter comes and autumn fades, the house has changed a lot in the past few months. Paul began working a lot more, to make up for the demand during this time of the year. On the other hand, Bianca had a surprise of her own in store for the whole family. 

In the living room, she folded tiny clothes, in the colour of pink. The doctor told her during an appointment that she was having a baby, and now she is five months along. She smiled to herself, blissful at the quietness of this morning, and how she would have four daughters in a matter of months. 

The sweet morning changed in a heart beat, with Macy bashing her hand on the only bathroom door. Delia was inside, inspecting her own stomach... and it wasn't good. She had been unwell for a couple of weeks now, but told everyone it was just a cold. Deep down she knew something was wrong, yet was too hesitant to buy a test. 

Macy storm out into the living room where her mother was, "Delia has been in there for over an hour. I need to get ready for work!"  she shouted, frustrated, "You've been in there for ages!" she yells to Delia again, before returning to hammer the door down.  Bianca feeling distressed yells out, "Delia get out of the damn bathroom!"

"Fine!" she screamed, slamming the door as hard as she possibly could. Macy moved past her, "Bite me." she jeered, shoving her raging sister out of the way. Delia was in a terrible mood today, and didn't want to put up with anyone. 

Awhile the twins fought, Loanne raided their bedroom, snooping around for god knows what. She comes across a box hidden under Macy's bed, and slides it out. It's quite heavy, and strained her arms but she manages. Loanne opens the box, and searches through until she finds a locket, to which she admires.

For the life of her she couldn't figure out was D.W and B.W meant, she thought maybe Delia Winston, but Delia held Paul's last name. Before she could pull open the middle, Delia barged into her own room, and immediately yanks it off her. "How dare you go through our stuff!" she screamed, hot headed as always. 

Loanne was confused to why it mattered so much, and shrugged her shoulders before being kicked out of the room. She passed her mother in the hall, Bianca reminders her, "Loanne, go get dressed please. You have ten minutes until we're leaving." 

Bianca leaned into the twins room, "What now!?" Delia complained, not knowing it was her mother not her sisters. Bianca taps her foot on the ground, and crosses her arms, not impressed with her daughters behaviour this morning, "Get dressed, we're going Christmas shopping." Delia pouted, stomping her feet against the flooring, "No. I have plans."

"No, you're not doing that. You've been in a bad mood for the past few days, I'm not letting you stay home to wallow anymore about something you won't tell me about. Be ready in ten."

December 14th, 2011. 11:01 A.M.

Bianca dropped Macy off at her first part time job, she'd been working there for a few months now. It kept her mind off Dallas, and she desperately needed that distraction. Loanne and Delia follow their mother into stores, and all around the mall, carrying gifts for the whole family. 

Delia began to get increasingly irritated, and opted for food. Bianca gave her cash, but only on the promise that she takes Loanne with her. "Mom... Please!" she whined, "I can't babysit." Delia realised how ironic that sounded, considering she may or may not have a child inside of her at this point. Bianca gives her the mom look, and sends them on their way.

"Don't talk to me rat." Delia barked, walking far ahead. Loanne caught up by pushing her, causing Delia to stumble forward. She whipped around to Loanne sticking her tongue out, "Do you want to die?!" she snapped aggressively. 

Delia stops with an elderly couple giving her odd looks. She smiles at them, and leads her younger sister to the food court. "Be mean again and I will scream." Loanne said smugly, knowing her effect she could have on people. 

December 14th, 2011. 12:58 P.M.

At the food court, Delia wasn't hungry anymore. Pure hatred filled her body, so much so that she was about to explode. Across from where herself and Loanne were seated was the pizza shop where Dean and Macy worked. 

While Loanne slurped obnoxiously on the straw of her drink, Delia feeling overheated, scowled. Dean and her had broken up two weeks ago, she still isn't over it. Loanne glanced down at her kicking feet, "What does D.W and B.W mean?" she innocently asked. "Huh?" Delia said, knowing exactly what she was speaking about. 

"I saw it on the locket you hid."  Loanne mumbled. Delia wasn't listening, her focus was back on the traitors. Her temper sparked, staring at them both, in that booth. They laughed, and he leaned in, Macy touched his arm. How could she do this? Delia thought, she felt as if she couldn't trust anyone. 

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