Chapter 11: Excuse me Mr.

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December 17th, 2011

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December 17th, 2011. 8:46 A.M.

Delia managed to avoid her sister for three days, which is difficult considering they sleep in the same room. As she walked into school that morning, Macy tried to speak to her, "Don't even touch me!" Delia jeered at Macy right in the presence of Dean, "Don't you look at me either!" she pointed at him, sparking a rage inside of herself. She stomped off into the school gates leaving the pair stunned. 

Dean stood there dumbfounded by Delia's anger, "What's her problem?" he asked, watching her storming off. "I don't know. She's been ignoring me for three days now. I guess we better found out what it is, something is definitely up." Macy said. Dean just nodded. 

December 17th, 2011. 8:49 A.M.

Delia found it hard to take the heat, her mind fluttered with visions of the future of her life with a baby and the past with her parents. It wasn't like she'd be able to keep this pregnancy a secret for much longer, Dean had the right to know after all. She couldn't even be sure if it was a baby or not.

Before class she walked with purpose, all the way to the nurses office on the other side of school. When she arrived, Delia couldn't waste time on embarrassment, and told the nurse straight blank, "I might be pregnant. I need a test." she said. The nurse, of course glanced at her unwillingly, but was persuaded to just give one to her by Delia's deathly scowl. 

Delia goes into the bathroom, and settles down before she would fly into a full blown panic. She calmed herself before all else, the worst part was waiting for the test to even respond.  After what felt like eternity Delia glanced down to the test."Yay." she exclaimed artificially, then broke down in tears at the positive pink plus. 

All chocked up, she reached for her phone. Delia dialled the number for a hardware mechanic building where Dallas worked fixing cars, she waits until someone answers, but hangs up before they could finish the first word. Delia had found his work number in the phone book last week, she kept the memory of it in her head. She tries again, and manages to ask for him.

Across town, an coworkers calls out for him. Dallas who was half under a car at that point, slides out. He pushes himself up onto his feet, wiping thick engine oil from his hands and onto his denim jeans. He wandered over to the phone, out of breathe, "Hello?" he said, his voice thick. Delia nearly dropped the phone, hanging up for a second time. 

December 17th, 2011. 2:11 P.M.

Bianca was home alone like all week days when the kids were at school and Paul was about to be let out of work much earlier than usual for wage shortages. The business wasn't going to well at this point, so he decided to take one for the team and allow the boss to cut some hours. Paul didn't mind, he had all the money in the world and prioritised his family even more anyways. 

While she waited for him to arrive home, Bianca tidied up the house. When she hears a knock at the door, she wondered if she accidentally locked the door on him or if he had forgotten his house keys in the morning rush. It would've been an innocent mistake if true, she shrugs to herself and waddles her pregnant self over to the front door. 

Upon opening her worst fear came true. Dallas Winston stood between the arches of the house, looking at unbreakable as he always had, "Exactly how I left you seventeen years ago." he eyed her stomach, and moved past her into the house. 

Shock was an understatement, her stomach twisted in a tight knot, and it wasn't the baby at all. Bianca tensed her shoulders, "God." she mouthed, sickened to see him again after all these years, "Why do you pop up out of no where?" she said. He appeared the same, as if he was frozen at the age he went to jail, then again, so was she. 

Dallas searched around, his eyes trailing over all Bianca's nice furniture. "I have rights as a father." he said out of no where. Bianca became defensive over her daughters, "You don't have rights when you're an addict. I never asked for a cent." she objected, thinking he couldn't just waltz into their lives now. 

"I've been sober for twelve years!" he voiced irritated, sick to death of people only seeing him as his past self. He now functioned like a normal person in society, held down a job and took care of himself like he had been doing for his entire life beforehand. "Plus they came to me."

Bianca pretended she never hard that last comment, to fragile to deal with all this, "Leave. My husband who I adore will be home soon." she ordered, opening to the door for him. He moves over and slams it shut, not finished speaking, "You don't love Paul. You don't love him because he is predictable, because he was the stability you never had." he spoke truth. Bianca couldn't handle it, "And you aren't?" she said, trembling at confrontation, "I do. I love Paul more than anyone."

Continued via next page...

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