Chapter 21: Baby, o baby.

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December 25th, 2011

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December 25th, 2011. 10:29 A.M.

"I knew you'd come home knocked up by that boy." she mentioned as if she had a running bet with someone over it. Heat rose to Bianca's cheeks, "You've always hated him." she shook her head, "Always!"

The mother was losing momentum, and began to rapidly change to subjects, very hurtful ones. "Bianca, how many affairs must you have!?" she asked out of spite, "Amy you remember that day, right?" It was one of her well known tactics, to change the antagonist. She wanted to involve other people, and make them turn against Bianca. 

Bianca could see the pain of Amy room across the room, she moved over to her for comfort, "Mother don't you dare bring that up here." she gritted aggressively. The accusation shocked the twins and Loanne, they hadn't seen their mother in his light before. 

Delia did the only thing she thought she could do, "I'm pregnant!" she announced out of the blue in an attempt to avert the argument. It only made everything worse when her own grandmother turned on her, "And now you're made the same mistake as your own damn mother did."

Delia felt awfully small, her grandmother had a way of doing that to people. Bianca couldn't let this woman come into her own house and do this to everyone she cared so much for, no matter if she had given birth to her. "I'm so glad that I spent half my life with Dallas instead of you. I'm so fucking happy that I never came home, and that he raised me so I didn't turn out as an old bitter wench."

The mother is taken back by Bianca's anger, "He did not raise you!" she informed. "Then that's how much you know about your own daughter!" Bianca screamed, fuming with rage. With every word she died a hundred times, "God! I wish I could go back and leave again!" 

As her voice reached it's peak volume, she strained. But only it wasn't her voice giving out, it was the baby. The liquid puddled at her feet, "Ow." she winced, clutching onto her sister who held her up straight. Increasing pain flooded her body as she attempted to halt labour. 

December 25th, 2011. 5:05 P.M.

At around six months pregnancy Bianca went into labour due to heightened stress. Amy and Steve held down everything back at her place with Loanne, while the twins and Dallas were at the hospital waiting. 

Dallas was the one who manned up and rang Paul himself, after all he is the father of the baby. Paul was over in a flash. Bianca wanted him in the room with her after all that happened. After a few hours she gave birth to a baby boy named Dawson, who was quite premature. 

Bianca and Paul weren't allowed to see him, or even touch him as he was put onto immediate life support. All they could do was watch him behind glass later on.  Paul wasn't the kind to hold grudges even though Bianca deserved it. He was a true gentleman, but knew deep down he could never win when pitted against Dallas, that doesn't mean he isn't going to be a father to his kids. 

Bianca laid in the hospital bed to exhausted to even lift her head from the pillow. "Is he gone?" she sadly asked Paul, much too doped up and out of loop to even remember what the doctor had told them. Paul just holds her hand, "He's asleep and under monitoring." he informed her. 

Bianca grins dozily, thrashing her head back and then looks at him. "I love you." she smiled, not realising what she was doing. It had been so natural and normal to say that after being married for so long.  

Paul sighs, and decides to take the chance to tell her how he feels about her while she isn't in full attention. "I've been on your trail for almost two decades, and I love you but I have to let you now." he choked, trying not to bawl. "I never stood a chance next to him and I know that now."

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