Chapter Twenty-Three

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Renee also notice 'well it look the baby agrees' 'get away from me get out' Stella was starting to have contractions but there was no way she was going to let Renee hurt her baby. Renee ran towards her Stella ran and fell on the floor Renee came for her Stella manage to fight her off. Stella was shouting for help and screaming she was getting up Renee came again Stella was doing all she can to fight her off Stella saw a vase and hit her over the head  the vase smash Renee's fell unconscious.

Stella  went to Lilly trying to wake her up luckily Lilly started to stir Stella started looking for her phone. Stella was in terrible pain now  just then Renee started to wake up Lilly was more awake now and manage to get up so was Renee and Stella and Lilly ran to the bedroom and manage to lock themselves in and more furniture to stop her from getting. Renee was banging on the door. Stella saw her phone she phone Kelly it went to voicemail Stella was crying she was scare she handed the phone to Lilly who phone 911. Lilly finish of the phone and went to Stella ask her what's she want her to do Stella scream she wants Kelly.

Firehouse 51 just got back in from a call and then there was call for ambulance and they recognise the address as Kelly's they all went back in the trucks and Kelly went with Brett and foster. Kelly look at his phone and saw the missed calls from Stella and tried to phone Stella Lilly answer he could hear Stella screaming and loads of banging 'Kelly this Lilly you got to help us Renee broke up she gone mad we locked ourselves in the bedroom and Stella water broken the baby coming I don't know what to do' Stella hold her hand out for the phone 'Kelly I'm scare she said she wanted our baby where are you?' ' baby I coming we be there as soon' just then Kelly told Brett to put her foot down 'Kelly I can smell burning I think she started a fire' just then a contraction came and she dropped the phone. Kelly got on his radio to tell the others luckily there was round the corner. Casey and herman teams went in luckily they got there before it got bigger and manage to quickly put the fire out. There was no sign of Renee. Kelly went straight to the bedroom. Lilly heard and Manage to move the furniture and Kelly and Casey broke the door down  to get in he went straight to Stella he could see how much pain Stella was in and called for Brett and foster they came and examined and said this baby is coming now we going to have to deliver her here.  They got Stella on the bed and told Stella to push. Stella was holding Kelly hand really tight and she even manage to grabbed Casey really tight casey look at Kelly and said you owe me one for having my hand broken kelly said I know. Stella heard and told him off said she wouldn't be in this pain if you never got me pregnant and told he won't be having anymore. And then she was saying to Kelly I can't do it and Kelly was encouraging her. Eventually the head came out and then all of her came out. They heard her crying Kelly and Stella was both happy and crying with happiness when they saw there. daughter.

When Brett and foster was checking over the baby Kelly notice that Stella has stopped breathing.

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