Chapter Twelve

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The next day on shift Renee came and Kelly said he will help with the case and that was all. Renee said she was glad that he agreed and also ask that he pop round to hers after shift to go through it. Kelly was unsure and ask about going to her office but she said that she wasn't able to find a babysitter for Nick her kid in the end he agreed but he never liked it.

Kelly told Stella about it she was uncomfortable about it she never trusted Renee. But she knew she trusted Kelly.

After shift Kelly went round to renee and she introduce him to nick her son. They talk and nick got showing him some of his toys. Kelly kept trying to get started on the case but nick kept interrupting and wanted to play and Renee was happy that nick wanted to play with Kelly. Renee made Kelly and nick some food when nick was tired and went to bed and then they started working on the case. Renee mention he be a good father one day and Kelly smiled and well I haven't got long to wait and Renee ask what he meant then Kelly told her Stella was pregnant. Kelly notice Renee face has dropped but carry on with the case.

Back at home Stella was missing Kelly. She clean the apartment up to take her mind of it. She then made Kelly some dinner and was keeping it warm till Kelly comes back. When she look at the clock she thought he be back by now so she tried texting him and he never replied and phoning him. It was getting quite late she was panicking where Kelly was. She was getting annoyed in the end she threw his dinner away and when she was finishing cleaning the kitchen Kelly cameback 'hey' where you been?' ' Stella you know where I been at Renee's' ' all this time what was you doing?' ' we been working on the case and nick kept on coming up to me and showing me his toys and that' ' who nick?' Renee son look nothing happen I played with his son and Renee cook us dinner' ' what so while you were playing happy familes I been cooking you dinner which I just threw away for nothing?' 'Stella I sorry' ' I going to bed on my own'.

The next morning stella woke up and went into the kitchen Kelly was making breakfast her favourite omelettes. Kelly apologise and he made her omelettes as a peace offering Stella excepted his apology. They talked and Stella admitted that she was felt uncomfortable with him going round to Renee as she got a feeling she playing games and mention there loads of firefighters she could of gone to for help but she chose you. Kelly admitted he got he suspicions about her to and told Stella that he going to tell Renee he can't help with the case as Stella his top priority they kissed and hugged and had there omelettes.

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