Chapter Three

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Stella's pov
I get back to my apartment and lock the door and then Tyler started ringing Stella rejected the call and threw her phone and her bag down. She was so angry and upset at the whole situation with Kelly and everything. She never wanted to finish it with Kelly but felt that She had no choice. Then there was a knock at the door 'who it is? It's Sylvie' ' Stella opens the door ' you know I not good company you know' ' I know but I just decided to come by to see if you want to talk' ' I heard what happened in the locker room between you and Kelly.'  'Oh no who else heard am I the talk of the firehouse' ' no calm down look  I here cause it look like u could do with a friend.' Just then Stella phone started ringing and it was Tyler again Stella rejected the call again. Sylvie notice who was trying to call. ' has Tyler done something to upset you? No why? Why did you rejected and judging my your phones u got loads of missed callers from him so has he? Urn yes well he tried to kiss me' ' what I thought your were just friends?' ' I thought we was friend to until he tried to kiss me.  ' does Kelly know? No he don't know. I feel such an idiot Kelly warn me but I thought he was jealous' ' do u have any feelings for a Tyler? No I thought we was friends that all I don't see him that way at all. Is that part the reason you finish with Kelly so you don't have to tell him? No I just tired of it all ever since his dad died he been pushing me away and I don't know what I am to him anymore.' 'Look Kelly not himself at the moment but he will eventually see what he done wrong and make it up to you.' ' yeh I think it to late for that' ' what you going to do with Tyler? Nothing hopefully he goes back where he belongs.'

Sylvie and Stella drink a glass of wine and sylvie leaves 10 minutes after she leaves there an knock on the door Stella find Tyler at the door he drunk Stella ask him to leave but Tyler asks where Kelly is and starts mouthing how he a better man then Kelly is and how he gives her all he wants Stella warns Tyler to get out or she phoning the cops but Tyler was to drunk to listen and tried it on with her but Stella tried to push away then he got angry and started calling her names and started hitting her Stella tried to fight back but ended falling a hitting her head on the way down. Tyler kept on kicking her calling her names while she was laying unconscious

Hermann took the rubbish out and heard shout from Stella flat above his garage and goes up to check and sees Tyler beating Stella up and shouts at Tyler turns around and leaves. Herman screams at  Cindy to phone a ambulance now.

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