...*Bleach love story. I think im falling for you. Part 20*...

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His face had a surprised look to it. It hurt me to leave it at this. But what could i do? Ulquiorra was the one who came to get me. And i would much rather not fight him. Furthermore, i wouldn't last. We got back to Las Noches. The moment we got there, Grimmjow took off to go do his own thing, as if he was no part of this.
"Come with me." I had no reason to argue. There's nothing i can do. It's to go through with the extraction of Hitofuki, and hope i'll survive it. And if i do what will happen? Aizen said he would let me go back to Soul Society. But that doesn't mean he will let me. He could kill me whenever he wanted to. Who says he won't kill me now?
If i survived, what will i do? I can't go back to Soul Society. I'm considered a traitor. I'll be executed if anything. Damn it! Why can't things be anymore simpler? There's to clear paths to take. Door one says- Survive, only to be executed. Door two says- Die in the procees of extracting Hitofuki, and never talking to Toshiro again. Is either of them worth it? I mean I want to survive, and see him, one last time. No matter what it means. Even if it means being killed later in Soul Society. My mind is made up.
Ulquiorra knocked on the double doors, and says "Ulquiorra." The doors swung wide open, letting us enter. I stopped outside the door. I took in a deep breathe and stepped in, to see what the outcome will be. Die or survive.
"Come." Aizen says gesturing to come over to a table. "Lie on here, would you?" He may have asked me too do it, but in his voice, there was an order. I jumped up on the table and layed down. My heart began to pound against my chest fast. I seen Aizen's hand go over my face....... Than sleep took over.
I awoke to be laying in a field. I looked around me. To my disbelief, i was standing. How can i wake up standing?
"Maybe you haven't woken up yet." A voice said echoing in the field.
"Who are you?" I ask.
"Like you have to ask... Who else has ever spoken to you in your mind?"
"Hitofuki?" I ask a little bit unsure.
A loud laugh echoed through the field. "That's correct. Glad you can remember my name."
"Kind of hard not to. It' because of you that i'm stuck in this mess."
"What mess?"
"Oh you know, the fact that i'm about to die. If not now, a little bit later in soul society. And on top of that, i will never know how Toshiro felt about me."
"I see." She said with her voice whipping around me like wind.
"So when do i get to see you?"
"You want to see me? Didn't Aizen tell you i wan't a person, but a weapon?"
"Yeah, but if your a weapon, how are you able to talk to me?"
"Well you are unconscious aren't you?"
"I guess. But you have talked to me before while i was conscious."
More laughing filled the air than a "Well, you sure pay close attention to what's going on. Fine i will appear before you." Suddenly the air got heavy and wind was gushing around in a formation of a tornado. A huge cloud of dust appeared before me. Than as it began to clear away, i saw a shadoy figure standing before me. The rest of the cloud stayed in place.
"So what do i do?" I ask.
"Well i guess i can tell you that you're going to survive. But when he pulls me out of you, you're going to keep the image of a thirteen year old. After wards, there will be a portal in you're room waiting for you. Don't ask how it got there. I just know it's there. After you get to the human world, everything else is in your hands." The dust began to swirl around than fade. "Goodbye." The voice said. Than everything went black.
I felt cold air all around me. A shiver was sent acrossed my body. I felt two hands against me. My eyes began to flicker open. When they opened I saw Grimmjow standing beside me. "Masa." He whispered. "You okay?"
"Ya." I answer back. I try to sit up but they pain was to overwhelming. "Grimmjow.... can you uh, do me a favor?"
"What is it?"
"Can you carry me back to my room. I need to get out of here."
In reply, he picked me up bridal style and carried me back to my room. When we got there he set me on my bed. "Grimmjow...." I say looking down with my cheeks a light pink. "Onemore think."
"Hm?" He asks a bit irritated.
I look at him and smile slightly. "Thank you." I stood up, ignoring the pain in my body, and put my hand out in frojnt of me. He looked down at my hand than back up. "It's a handshake."
"Idiot. I know what it is." He smiled firmly, took my hand with his and shook it. He left my room. When he did, a large opening appeared. I stepped through.
Everything was black around me. When light finally appeared, i found myself laying on a cot in Uraharas shop. Sitting up i looked around. I was alone in the room. I stood up, and walked out of the room. Sitting in a chair at a desk, i saw Toshiro looking at his phone like usual. I sighed. He looked up at me, than back down. He set his phone in his pocket than stood up. He smiled than said, "Let's go for a walk." I smiled shyly at him.
We were sitting by the river where i was at when I first saw Ichigo. We have been here for a full ten minutes of silence. I felt something hard land in my lap. Looking down i saw my necklace, with a lightning bold on it. Than i heard a muffled sound. Looking beside me ,Toshiro set my zanpakuto in between us, than he says, "I found you lying here unconscious 16 hours ago. That necklace was being clenched in your hands."
He closed his eyes going on saying, "When i found you, there was blood everywhere around you. You seemed to have been cut open at the stomach."
"I see." I say.
Sighing he says, "So.... what was this I hear about you loving me?"
My face began to blush a dark red. "Uhm, uh....." I felt his hand in mine and he squeezed lightly. I looked over at him to see him smiling at me.
"I was always looking at you, because you were different. When i was around you i felt..... different." I smiled. I seen him reach up and wipe his hand across my cheek. "Why are you crying?"
He seemed to look confused, and i began to laugh. "It's tears of joy." I say.
"I see." He says standing up. He brought his hand down in front of me. I grabbed his hand and he helped me up.I felt his hand on my back, and the other on my face. Next thing i knew his lips were lightly against mine. When he pulled back, he grabbed my hand and began to walk back to Uraharas shop. "By the way," he bagan "Soul Society doesn't consider you a traitor. In fact, they never knew you were gone."
"I see." I say unable to stop smiling and looking at him in amazement.
"One more thing." He says.
"What?" I ask.
He turns his head, to look at me and says, "I think i'm falling for you." He bent down and picked up a flower and handed it to me. This flower seems familiar. Ah... that's right. It's the same as the one i seen before Ichigo sent me to Soul Society. The one that seemed to whisper to me through the wind. The one that spoke to me of love....
I stepped in front of the river, still holding his hand. I reached my hand out over the water, and dropped my necklace in it. Never again, will i have to worry about you. Never again will i have to fret over whether you like me or not. Never again..... well let's just say, "I love you."

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