...*Bleach love story. I think im falling for you. Part 19*...

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"Hi." I say shyly looking at the ground. "Long time no see...."
"Ya." He replied. "Long time no see, huh?"
"Ya..... Look Toshi." I take a long breathe and say. "Captain, i need to talk to you."
"What about?" He asks. His voice had a cold tint in it, other wise the rest was either happy or suprised.
"Uhm....." I began with my face becoming hot. "About, uh......"
"About? Look I don't have much time to talk. There has been an arrancar sighting, and io need to hurry and get there.".
"There's no need to. It's because of that arrancar that i'm even here."
"Oh." He said much more suprised by that.
"Ya. But your right, we don't have much time to talk. If Aizen finds out that i'm not in Heuco Mundo, he will probably freak out and send Ulquiorra here."
"Uhm, let's just say he is strong. Really strong."
"I see. So what is it you want to talk to me about?"
Well there is a chance that i'm going to die tomorrow and will never see you again. Just ask him Masa!!!! What do you have to loose? "I uh, was wondering, and i want a real answer, why did you always look at me?" I ask with my face blushing like crazy, my stomach flipping nonstep, and my eyes searching the ground.
"Why do you always blush when you talk to me?"
"No...." I say sighing. "Please just aswer my question, please."
"You're not the only one who wants their questions to be answered."
"I know... Okay, look if you answer my question, i'll answer yours."
"I'm the captain and as long as your a soul reaper, you do what I say."
Again i sighed deeply. This is going to be harder than i expected it to. All of a sudden i felt a large reiatsu. "Grimmjow." I say with an irritated look on my face. "I got to go see what he's doing. When I come back i need you to answer my questions."
"No way. If you go, i go too. I can't let you go running around, when you always seem to go unconscious."
If my face could get any redder, i'm sure it would be. I took off in the location where the fight was taking place. After a bit of fast running, I appeared there. It was Grimmjow fighting Ichigo. "Ichigo!" I yelled, trying to get his attention. That Grimmjow really has a nerve, to try fighting someone at a time like this. "If i'm fighting, don't interupt me, got it?" His words said in my ears. I sighed. I could do nothing about this. Grimmjows eyes met mine, and he flash stepped down next to me.
"Did you get done, what was needed to get done?"
"Not quite." I say blushing.
"Well why not?"
"Uhm..... I uh,...."
"Wait. Does he know what your trying to say to me, because your confusing me." Toshiros cold voice said sharply, while glaring at Grimmjow.
I turn towards Grimmjow to see him glaring right back at him. "Ya, he kind of does."
"Well If i assume correctly, you're the reason as to why she wanted to come to the human world, and why she has been moping around in Las Noches."
"Why would she be moping."
"Because, uh, she loves you." I say looking at the ground, face flushing a dark red. I looked over at Toshiro to see his reaction.
He just sat there staring at me. Was it shock? Anger? Happiness? Joy? Hatred? "Wh.... what?" he replied.
"Oh my gawd!!!!" Grimmjow says getting impatient. "She said she loves you. L-O-V-E-S!!!!"
"Yeah, i heard her." Toshiro says coldly back at him.
"Than why ask what if you heard?"
Toshiro looked over at me with soft eyes. "You love me?" He asks. I nodded my head and looked down.
"That's why i came here."
"To tell me you love me?" Again i nodded my head. "I see. Well i don't know what it's like to love someone, but what i do know is I missed you."
I glanced up at him. "You missed me."
"Yes." He reached over, grabbed my hand, and squeezed it lightly with a small smile appearing on his face.
A shy smile creaped onto my face. Than i heard someone say, "What do you think you're doing?"
Toshiro, Grimmjow, and I all looked over to see where the voice was coming from. There stood a 169 cm (5' 6 1/2") guy. Tall and slender. He had short, black hair. Pale skin, and teal colored eyes, dripping down his chin. "Ulquiorra!" Me and Grimmjow yell in surprise.
"You." He says pointing at me. "Let's go. The extration starts as soon as we get back."
"WHAT?!" I yell. "It's suppose to start tomorrow."
"He decided you must be in a hurry to die since you snuck off to the human world."
"You don't understand....." I began. Than i noticed black wrapping around me. I turned my eyes to Toshiro, and let go of his hands. Shock was in his eyes. Grimmjow appeared next to my side. He was looking at me with sympathy. In little less than a few minutes, i was going to find out whether i'm going to die or not.

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