...*Bleach love story. I think im falling for you. Part 18*...

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Light tapping sounds occured on my door. I heard a quiet creak, before a a slim figure appeared into my room. I was sitting on my bed, silently thinking things over to myself. Ex: What am i going to say to him if he is in the human world? How do i bring myself to say it? What if he ISN'T THERE... Etc...
"Masa," A cold voice began. Ulquiorra i assume. "Lord Aizen would like to have a small talk with you."
"Great." I say pretending to be enthused about it. "What did i do wrong this time?"
"He has given me orders to escort you to him." He began to walk down the halls. I chased after him., Once I was caught up with him, i trudged a little bit behind him. After a few minutes, we were standing before 2 double white doors. Ulquiorra, as i assumed correctly it was, knocked lightly on the door and says, "Ulquiorra." The doors opened to show us an empty room, except for the fact that Aizen sat in a chair in the middle of the room.
"Ah, Masa. How nice of you to join us."
"Uhm, but your the one who ordered me to come here."
A grin spread across his faced. He closed his eyes, and intertwined his hands together infront of his face. "I need to talk to you about something."
Yeah, i kind of assumed that much. It's not like you were inviting me hear for a tea party.
"I need to extract Hitofuki from you."
"Okay." I say taking the necklace off of my neck and handing it out to him.
"That's not exactly what i meant. You see those tattoos on your body?"
"Ya?" I ask with a questioning look on my face.
"Those are part of Hotofuki. I already managed to find a way to get it. If everythings goes the way it's planned, you shall live, and i'll let you go."
"And if things don't turn out the way you have planned?" I say pushing him to go on.
"Well the best senario of the worste happeneing is, you die."
"I see." I say trying to keep my voice strong.
"We will begin the process in no longer than a day, go it?"
I nodded my head. I had to go to the human world today and find a way to see Toshiro, cause if i don't.... Than i might never see him again.
I followed Ulquiorra back to my room. If i thought those walks had seemed quiet, than i have alot more to learn in life. This one was completely silent. I was lost in my own thoughts of "what ifs". I didn't even hear are footsteps. By the time we reached my room, i didn't even know we were there until i heard a door close behind me.
I lay in my bed. What else was there to do here, besides sulk? I heard my door open then slam shut. "Let's go." I heard an impatient voice say. Looking up, i saw Grimmjow standing there, with his foot tapping, indicating that he wasn't going to wait much longer. I stood up. It was either now, or never. I had to take my chances, and at least try and see if he is there. It was the least i could do...... or was it?
Grimmjows hand fastenitself around my wrist, as he pulled me to make me hurry. "I'll open the portal and come with you. If i'm fighting anyone,do not, in any circumstance, get in the way,understand?"
I nodded my head(again.)It's time to go. And i'm a nervouswreck. No clue what the hell i'm even going to say. SIGHHHHH!!!!!
I seen a huge black whole slit open before me, than enclose around me. After i blinked, i saw myself in the small little town that i use to call home. There seemed to be an overcast hanging over the town. I could feel the slight breeze gushing bye.
"Just go do, what you gotta do." I smiled asilent thanks to him. Turned myself as to see my surroundings, and headed to Kurosaki's house. I got there not only what felt like moments later, but in reality was probably 20 minutes later. I threw small pebbles at his window. I seen a familar, girl face appear. A surpirsed look flashed across Rukia's face. Than she desappeared, only to, moments later, reappear outside in front of me.
"Masa... You're here?"
"I'm here. But not for long...." I say with a sad sound in my voice. I knew it was only a matter of time before i find out where Toshiro is. "Rukia... where's uh, To..... I mean, Captain Hitsugaya?"
"He's off doing something on his own like usual. Why?"
"I need to talk to him..... It's urgent. Do you have any idea's as to where i can find him." A pleading look flashed on my face.
"Sorry, but i don't know where he is."
"Where who is?" I heard a cold voice say behind me. I turned around to see none other that Toshiro standing right behind me, looking down at his phone. Are you kidding me, i'm standing right here, and all he cares about is his phone!!!!
"Uhm, I'm going to leave you two alone." Rukia said, before leaving. Toshiro looked up to see me standing there. A surprised look flashed across his face. Than hurt. Than anger. Than confused, and finally it settled with a smile.
"Hi." I say shyly looking at the ground. "Long time no see...."
"Ya." He replied. "Long time no see, huh?"

...*Bleach love story. I think im falling for you*...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant