...*Bleach love story. I think i'm falling for you. Part 7*...

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I heard a loud beeping sound and brought my arm down to my side, as i jumped up and say, "Where is the attack now?"


Toshiro looked down at his phone and frowned. "It's down by the river."


I smiled. The river.... That's where i first saw Ichigo. That's when he sent me to sou society. I'm who i am today because of that boy. I owed him that much. "Lets go." I say. I began to run out the door with Renji and Toshiro right behind me.


Toshiro was on the phone with Rangiku, telling her how far away we are and when we should arrive. Her and the others were already there fighting off the hollows. When Toshiro got off the phone he says, "There are 8 hollows, and 3 menos."


Wow. So many. I wonder why? We arrived at the scene. There was 5 hollows left and 2 menos. I grabbed out my zanpokuto. "Arise Kaze Raikou." The wind lifted and tore around me at my demand. You could hear a small tzzz noise coming from my sword. I lifted my sword and swing it where one of the hollows is standing. Electricty cut acroossed it, cutting an arm off. It made a loud roaring sound. I jumped upward and toward it, swinging down, cutting the hollows mask, while electricty was sent through it, tearing its head completely in half. I glanced over seeing Toshiro, Yumichika,and Ikkaku fightingthe 2 menos, while Rukia and Rangiku fought a hollow, and Ichigo fighting a hollow. I Swung my sword to the side, hitting another hollow. I looked to my right and saw Renji just defeating his hollow. I looked back at the hollow i was fighting.


Just barely able to block it's attack, it swung its huge claw down at me. I gasped as his huge claw put pressure against my zanpokuto. I clenched my teeth, as i tried to hold it off. Hearing it roar loudly i saw Renji slicing his zanpokuto through the hollows head. As it dispersed, Renji leaned over giving me a hand to helpme up.


"Thanks." I muttered.


"Don't thank me yet." He said as he ran to help fight off the menos.


I ran after him to also help. After another ten minutes past, we had managed to kill the hollows and menos. After we finished fighting we started heading back to Uraharas shop. When we got there i began to fade in and out. I was swaying from side to side. I felt a hand touch my shoulder keeping me from moving. My eye sight was a little fuzzy. Urahara asks me, "Mara, have you aten at all since last night?" I shook my head telling him no. "Okay. Come with me to the kitchen."


I followed him into the kitchen. I sat down at a table as he layed out some food before me. I took the chop sticks and began to eat. Before i even knew it, the food was gone. I looked up to see i was alone in the room. I stood up, and walked back to the other room. There were three new people in there that i have never saw before. They glanced over toward me.


One was built up, had a pink shirt on, brown hair (he is a guy), and wavy hair. The other one is kinda nerdy looking. He is dressed similar to Ichigo. He has glasses on. His hair is a black/blue color. It splits down in the middle of his face. And the girl has orange, long hair. (That's all the details i'm givin for her). Ichigo looked my way and said pointing to the guy in pink, "This is Chad. The one next to him is Uryuu, and the girl next to him is Orihime."


I nodded my head. "Pleased to meet you."


...*Bleach love story. I think im falling for you*...Where stories live. Discover now