...*Bleach love story. I think im falling for you. Part 12*...

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"Arrancars again?" I ask. I sighed deeply. "When will they just give it a rest." I mumble more to myself than Toshiro.
"Captain?" Rukia asks from up ahead of us.
"Arrancars." He such much more loudly this time. "There heading due North of town."
"Well let's go than." Ichigo said.
Great, just when things were beginning to get interesting. SIGH!!! We began to head North. We through our soul modifying pills into our mouths, and out popped our souls. Toshiro pulled out his phone and called Rangiku. I heard him mumble a few things. "Arrancars..... yes, yes. We our about ten minutes away..... Yes go ahead when you get there... yes... okay."
I looked at him with a questioning face, than looked back forward. I wonder who these arrancars our now. SIGHHHHH I wish we just knew their purposes, and why they keep coming. It's not like we are going to lay off of them or anything. I hit my foot on something and tripped. I felt a hand on my wrist. Looking up i saw Ichigo.
"Try not to trip and hurt yourself before a battle." He had a huge grin over his face.
I smiled back. As obnoxious as he can be at times, he's a nice guy.
I heard a loud crashing noise from over head. I stopped to look up. And standing there was Rangiku, Ikkaku, and Renji. Where is........ "Yumichika is on his way." Toshiro said coldly. Wow it's like he could read my mind.
"Well well, what do we have here?" I heard an obnoxious voice saying. Looking up i seen the blue haired guy, with a cocky grin.
"Grimmjow." I say spitting his name out.
"Oh looky there, you know my name."
"You know him?" Ichigo asks.
"No. Yes. Not really."
"I kicked her ass in the last fight." Grimmjow says.
"Liar!" I yell pointing an accusing finger at him. "You ran away in the middle of a fight."
His smile turned to a frown at that, and his eyes turned into a glare. "We'll see who is running away at the end of this battle 'girl'."
"It's Mara." I say in a mocking tone, using my fingers for quotation marks.
He chuckled, than began into an all out hysteria of laughter. Than he wiped his eyes and says, "I thought you just said your Mara."
"Yeah, i did." I reply. "Mara Osaga--" I say before feeling a hand covering my mouth.
"Wait a minute your not kidding." He reply's.
I pull the hand off of me and turn to see Toshiro right behind me. "WHAT THE HELL TOSHIRO!!!!" I yell.
He closes his eyes and sighs saying, "Its Captain Hit--"
"Ya ya, Captain Hitsugaya sorry. WHATEVER!"
"So your the 'famous' Mara Osagawa?" He says with an evil grin placed upon his face. Small chuckles left his mouth.
I looked up at him with a questioning look on my face and begin to nod my head when Toshiro says, "No, she isn't."
"Wha--" I began before Rukia whispers to me, "Hush."
"Whats going on? What's the big deal?" I ask
She looks at Toshiro than back at me, "They are trying to find you..."
"You remember that drawing you made?"
"Of the lightning bolt? Ya how'd you know."
"Captain told me. Anyways, uhm, thats a real thing. It holds a great power. But only one person can use it..."
"And that's me." I finish off for her.
"Yes." She said quietly.
I heard a loud sonic boom. Looking up i saw the shinigami fighting the 2 arrancars. Where's the hollows? "Mara look out!" I heard a loud voice yell before pushing me away from an arrancar.
"We have come here to capture the girl." He said. Or i guess you could say hissed.
"Ew..... he's so..... snake like."
"Shut up girl." He hissed.
I shivered at the sound of his voice. It was so scratchy. It gave me goosebumbs. "Rukia." Toshiro says, "Go help the others." She mumbled something and took off.
"Back off, Khiji." I heard a guy say. "She's mine. We have unfinished business."
I smiled. You had to admire his cockiness at the least bit. "You have to fight me first." Toshiro said coldly.
"That can be arranged." The guy name Khiji says. "Grimmjow, you get the girl.... and" hiiiiisssssssss(tongue goes out of his mouth to actually hiss) I'll take on this captain."
"Fine." Grimmjow says.
"Don't let yuor guard down at all Mara. If given the chance, run."
"I can't leave you guys alone here." I say back.
"Mara!" He says coldly. "I'm giving you an order." My head slunk down as i mumble, "Yes sir."
"Hyōrinmaru!" Toshiro yelled as he pulled out his zanpokuto. OMG! This is my first time seeing him use his sword. "Ban..... kai." he whispers. Iced wings appeared on his back, as well as a tail.
"Look at that. Dragan v/s snake. Reptile v/s reptile." I heard Grimmjow snicker.
Khiji hissed something that i didn't quite catch, but hisform changed. He turned intoa largeSnake, with legs sprouting from his body, and covered in bones. I gasped as i could feel his spiritual power.
"Go." I heard Toshiro whisper.
Iwas about to think it over when he glared back at me. Iturned and began to run.
"WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU"RE GOING!"Grimmjow yelled. As he began to chase after me. Just when he was swinging his sword over top of me, i heard a large clang. Standing before me, of course, was Ichigo andhis sword.
"This fight is between us." He said. "Go to Urahara Mara. Have him open the portal for you back to Soul Society." I nodded my head and began to run. I have to get there soon. I just know that i have to.......

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