Chapter 3 - A Certain Unpredictable Unit

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Sunset arises as Tedashii and Akahana finally prepare to leave District 7, shopping center.

Akahana studies the alien stuff prop, beaming with her eyes and touching every aspect of the fabric. "Processing complete..." she quotes with a dull stare, she lowered her head staring into the fabric of the prop."

"You do know that's not real right?" Tedashii worries about the girl's curiosity towards the alien prop.

"There is so far no proof that aliens are real...but I can indeed confirm Academy City, and other countries launch rockets into space this following month...due to that factor along... I can hypothesize that they've managed to discover and acquire another outside life form."

"You know that game counter merchant only said that to you, to get into your pockets, you know what sure, whatever floats your boat, maybe you should take that info to account." Tedashii smiled and thought to himself about the girl's vast knowledge as well as her inexperienced life.

Akahana eyebrows rose pondering at Tedashii's sudden change of nature while trying to process why he extended the trip. She looked up and down at his extra baggage.

"What? Why are you staring at me like that?" Tedashii saids annoyed by the girl's oblivious look at the bags he's carrying.

"... I was told by you that the indefinite continued progress of existence was of the essence... and now it has seem that you only urgently hastily edger me, to advance your own prioritizing purchasing."

"Eh, and what if I did? Who said you have any right to put me in question?" Tedashii looked back at the girl's dull face. Sweat drift from the tension vibe she gave off.

"... I see..."


"... So you are a categorizing individual who locates unclothed females, and purchases them some?

"What don't say stuff like that! Blah people are staring now..." Tedashii sighs giving in to the girl's occasions. "Here, there actually for you!" He handed the girl her the clothes that were tucked away in the shopping bags. "Despite the dull stare that you give out, you're really easy to read now."

"... Processing.."

"Processing what now?"

"... Shut up!"

"No! What do you need to update that information for? You tend to say or give off body movements of someone who is angry, of course I can read that!"

"... I am aware of your observational abilities... What I need to comprehend is your cause, explanation, or justification for your actions of purchasing these sets of fabrics... While I've already acquired the ones you've already purchased that are already equipped."

Tedashii blushed looking away from her while scratching his head, reminiscing from the beginning of the day, "Well you were naked... What are you gonna wear the next day, and the day after that? You can't possibly wear the same outfit every single day."

"I won't need fabric inside the tube..."

"What are you planning to go back to, that pod?" Tedashii's tense face shifted into an unease concerning unpleasant frown.

"... Where else would I direct to?" Akahana tilted her head, raising one eyebrow.

"Well, ... I don't know! But you can't seriously consider going back into that pod?"

"... Why?"

"Because I dunno, it's weird!"

"... How so? I thought you knew everything?"

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