Save me.

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                                     - Silver -

Greyson used his tongue on me until I was near passing out in the heat of passion. He never once asked for more. Instead he did as he promised using his skills to make me forget even for a moment what was going to happen. When we heard the knock on the door I almost wished we had more time so I could please him like he had pleased me.
      "Get dressed I'll see who it is."
My cat ran to hide behind the curtain and I laughed while putting on some clothes.
    "Killian come on out, it's fine."
  He peeked out at me and hisses.
"Well fine hide then, I guess I'll just have to find a new animal to help calm my nerves."
    The joke was a bad one but affective because he lets out a growling noise that had me thinking he had rabies or something. He run up to me and clung to my jacket licking my face as if asking for me to keep him around. I smiled hugging him as the door swung open and a large angel stepped through.
    "Who the hell are you?"
The man winced and I felt a sudden pain fill my stomach as memories filled my mind of the little boy who played in the fields with me when I was a child.
  "Ash.. is that you?"
I set my cat down and rushed over to him looking him over.
   "Wow you look handsome! When did you start getting tattoos? Do you smoke, I can smell it. You look like a bad ass!"
    I ramble on as he glares at my cat similar to the way Greyson does.
   "Silver when did you get that cat?"
I shrug and snap my fingers in his face.
   "Who cares about that I've missed you give me a hug damn it!"
    I wrap my arms around him and he sighs kissing the top of my head like a worried older brother.
   "I've missed you too."
His words sound saddened and I believed him.
    "Moms just out the window." I rush to the window and sure enough her youthful face comes into view as she talks to her horse.

" I rush to the window and sure enough her youthful face comes into view as she talks to her horse

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"Why didn't she just fly here?"
    My brother laughs and I look over my shoulder to see why.
   "Silver mom can't fly remember. I mean she could use her magic but you know she loves animals."
    I nod remembering the times mom would show me her exotic animals from the stables.
    "She didn't age? Why didn't she age?"

  "Silver gods don't age after a certain point. You will see, when you hit about 25 you will stop aging well."
My mother looks up as if feeling my eyes on her and she smiles waving softly. I wouldn't admit this to anyone but I've prayed one day my family would come find me and ask for my forgiveness. But having it happen was a different story. I feel like I need explanations for a lot of the things happening.
"Hey Ash.. when did you get your wings?"
His reflection in the window shows his cocky smile as he bulks out his chest proudly.
"I got them a few years ago. It will happen when you least expect it to. I know your dad was a guardian so I believe you should be getting a pair soon. Well if you don't that's fine too.. I'm just saying there's a big chance you will."
He starts word vomiting and I turn ready to put him out of his misery when my mom magically appears in the room.
"Hello dear I know you have questions so go on and ask..."
She seems cheerful until her eyes land on my cat. Something must of happened but she just looks at me and then back at my cat as it hisses at her.
"Why do I have more then one mate or whatever you call it."
My mom smirks at the cat and I feel the mood shift in the air.
"Hades, he wanted to wipe out human kind. Said it was what was best for us all and that we wouldn't be hunted or have to hide In the shadows anymore. He asked me to either change human kind into super natural creatures or.. kill them all."
I shake my head trying to understand.
"Why would he care about humans?"

"Silver, we were all once worshiped and loved by humans. That is until they were filled with greed and felt threatened by our gifts and magic. They all turned on us and a lot of us were killed or forced back to our realms. Hades lost close friends, brothers..."
My cat hisses at her and she frowns at him.
"Why are you staring at my cat like that? He's done nothing wrong."
My mother frowns at me and snaps her fingers. I watch dumbfounded as my cat shifts into a beautiful man.

 I watch dumbfounded as my cat shifts into a beautiful man

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"Hello my queen."
My mother shudders and I star open mouthed at his beauty and how he got here.
"Atlas how did you.. why are you..?"
I stumble on my words as my mother steps between us.
"Hades you will not harm my daughter again!"
My mother hisses at him and he winces and steps towards me with begging eyes.
"Silver let me explain.."
The door slams open and in comes Zed growling in anger. His eyes are ruby red and flams cover his arms like his ready to burn the place down. Greyson sees this and looks at Atlas and shifts quickly giving me the first glimpse of his beautiful black wolf. His side has a crescent moon shape in silky white fur. His eyes are so blue they are almost a glowing white.
"Screw this!"
Everything around me freezes except my mother, Atlas and I.
"Silver I had reasons for what I did and I want nothing more then to show you why but I won't without your permission."
I shake violently as my heart aches. For some reason I'm drawn to him but I'm hurt because he lied to me.
"Silver he created the mist that killed your brother and father. He was going to kill you too but.. Ughh silver, meet your soul bound mate. Your original soul bound mate. The reason you have more then one is because I knew he cares for his son, and as for Greyson over there, he is a very strong and wise warrior like his grandmother Athena. You asked why you had so many mates and this is why. It was the only way I could see you surpassing your love for him."
     My love for him? I look at Atlas and feel the deep connection but turn away from him feeling torn.
    "Silver.. my queen just listen to me please. Let me show you.. let me into that beautiful mind of yours so you can see what I saw. What I feel is right."
    I walk passed my mother and stand next to Atlas. I raise my hand and aim to smack him when he grips my wrist there, not tight but just enough to stop me from hitting him. His eyes fill with sadness and I whimper letting my tears fall.
   "Then show me because right now I'd rather die then speak to any of you."
    Atlas cups my face and looks deep in my eyes.
"I will show you, but you must promise me you will try to understand."
   I nod but he still waits for a real answer.
"Okay I promise."
   Atlas leans in and kisses the space between my eyes and the visions begin..

   Momma Mia! Holy cow that's a lot to take in. What will silver see? Will she forgive Atlas? How will she deal with loving three jealous men? All will be revealed soon. Bye loves.😁♥️

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