Save me.

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- Silver -

Zed was waiting for me at our secret spot in the park below the willow tree ice cream in hand. I roll my eyes and laugh lightly. It's just like him to finally show up on time and get ice cream without me.
"Hey where's mine?"
He shrugs and offers a bite of his swirling cone. He looks adorable holding a cone that looks similar to a unicorn horn, and I fight not to burst out laughing as he blinks his eyes a couple of times trying to impersonate a girly girl.
"Why my lady, what a surprise. May I offer you a bite of this oh so delicious treat."
He says changing character into some sort of royal servant. This time I give in and grab the cone bumping his shoulder playfully giggling like a schoolgirl.
"Don't ever do that when I'm trying to be mad at you. It's not fair."
I smile up at him and blush as he licks his lips with a twinkle in his eyes.
"Well I suppose I owe you one of the rare cones form the ice cream joint. Let's go."
We pick through the wide selection of unique cones and ask for the galaxy cone. When they add the purple ice cream on top my mouth waters. Zed and I used to joke about the place adding some kind of addicting drug to the ice cream because after you tasted it, you crave it until you got your next cone.
"Okay sorry I need to ask, what is up with the scarf? It's super hot today and I was hoping we could go to the beach later."
My fingers smooth over my scarf protectively and I let a nervous chuckle leave my lips.
"Umm... about that—"
He puts his hand over my mouth as Zed mom Lilac, and Jasmine one of his close family friends spot us.

 about that—"He puts his hand over my mouth as Zed mom Lilac, and Jasmine one of his close family friends spot us

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


To anyone else she would seem like a sweet beautiful woman but for me Jasmine was a royal bitch. I knew what was behind those doe eyes and innocent smile, and that was my worst enemy.
   She squeals and runs up to Zed giving him a big bear hug. When he lets go of her she smirks up at him licking her lips.
   "Hey Jasmine."
Zed says and she laughs like it was a funny joke, anger boils red hot like lava through me, and I just clench my jaw and ball my fists.
    "Oh didn't see you there Silver."
She gives the fakest smile my way almost hissing out my name.
     "Yeah well.."
I turn to Zed and motion for us to leave. He must have gotten the idea because he says goodbye to Jasmine but she doesn't let up.
     "You don't have to go with her Zed."
She glares at me harshly and looks back at him smiling.
   "You could come watch a movie with me and your mom."
    Jasmine says and I roll my eyes and start walking away. This woman really gets under my skin and I'm not sticking around to watch Zed and his ex girlfriend flirt in front of me.

                                         - Zed -

"What the hell was that Jasmine?"
She shrugs and smirks at me leaning her body against my side.
    "You know my nature. I just don't like her, and neither should you. Your father gave you one job and your to stuck up her ass to see I'm right here waiting for you."
   She shrugs and I push her body off mine.
Jasmine is a sleep demon and they are notorious for stirring trouble. I knew she might still be into me but this friendship is all I'm willing to give her. I won't judge her for what she is but I don't like who she's become.
     "Just stay the hell away from Silver. I finally have an opening to be with her and you're not going to ruin this for me!"
    She rolls her eyes and I groan angrily sidestepping her to chase after Silver. I small part of me is excited she is jealous because it means she feels I'm hers. I really like the sound of that. I hum with excitement and feel my dick harden.
     "You're going to regret this Zed!"
I hear Jasmine call out and ignore her all together as far as I'm concerned she just lost what bit of friendship I was willing to give her.
      "Silver wait."
I catch up to her and spin her around. I look at her with shock as tears pour down her cheeks. I wipe them away and think of what I can do to get her to smile again. I place a hand on each of her cheeks and look over at Jasmine then back at Silver. If she's jealous I'll show her she has no reason to be.
    I dive in and kiss her like my life depended on it. I felt as Silver loosened up and moaned into my mouth. Gone was the frown and instead in its place was a lustful wanting smile.
"I hate her."
She whispers and I run my fingers through her beautiful blonde waves.
"I know angel. Let's walk home, I'll grab your bag."
After a long walk of us talking about about Radom conspiracy theories, I pull off silvers scarf knowing damn well she's probably burning up right now and that's when I see bite marks and other marks that had my body tensing.
"Silver I love you, but what the fuck is this!"

        Hey my beautiful readers. Sorry about the cliff hanger. So now y'all have met Jasmine the angry ex. Sleep demons are no joke! Imagine a woman Freddy Krueger. Ewww! What do you think about Jasmine? Leave it in the comments. Love y'all bye 👋 🥰

Save me.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ