Chapter - 11

249 7 0

Updated - February 23, 2020
Edited- August 27, 2020

“I didn’t believe William when he told me you were coming granny” You said as she was hugging you plus giving you a sweet smile "Well I didn't believe myself that I left my place but the moment I heard you were in the hospital I had to come right away honey" Granny explained with  you smiling knowing your granny might have hard time during the flight but she got on a plane just for you.

"Well at least I know you care about me granny" You said in a teasing voice only getting her to roll her eyes at you but held your hand giving it squeeze "I was really scared when they called and told me what happened about you, I wasn't ready to lose you too honey" She said with your smile flattertening as you wiped her tears that fell down.

"It'll take a lot more to get rid of this beautiful roach" You said getting a soft laugh out of your granny as you smile seeing you made her laugh at least, once again someone knocked before pushed open the door.

"We're just here to check on your blood pressure missY/n" The nurse said as she was pushing a machine in  room before  motioning you to the couch, does she really want my injury ass to walk over their.

"William would you help me up please?" You asked William with him getting up quickly while your granny made sure Saki didn’t wake up from the movement, William helped you from the bed towards the couch.

"The needle isn't uncomfortable or bothering you?" The nurse asked when she placed something over the needle so it won't slip off "No it's fine just kinda hurts" You said with her only nodding before writing things in her folder as she checked your blood pressure and checking if everything is okay.

You looked at William as you motioned him to take a picture of you with which he nodded taking a picture of you "Everything seems fine for now we'll come check again in a few hours to see if anything changes" The nurse explained with you guys thanking  her before she left with the machine.

"Did you take it William?" You asked with him nodding you handing your phone to you and you looked at the picture "Is it okay if I post it Emily?" You asked turning to her when William was helping you up once again.

"Of course, your fans should know what's up with you" Emily said looking up from her laptop, you nodded getting back in the bed and sitting up since you  got tired laying down all day.

"Andddddddd uploaded on my instagram and twitter'' You announced making the three adults laugh, for a while you looked through people's stories or liking pictures.

"Andddddddd uploaded on my instagram and twitter'' You announced making the three adults laugh, for a while you looked through people's stories or liking pictures

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_.y/n._.the._.dinosaur._:Getting a check up!! And thank you all for the support and love!! I'll try to recover as fast as I can so you guys can see the duet with bts!!!💜💜


y/nfanaccount:Take your time in recovering we don't want you to get more hurt!!!

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