Chapter - 1

844 18 7

Updated-June 10, 2019
Edited- August 5, 2020

You were walking to school, you were actually happy because today Yoongi promised to take you out to your favourite cafe after school. As you walked on the school campus you saw Yoongi and you were going to go say ‘hi’ plus hug him but you stopped in your tracks after you saw a girl wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him but the worst thing, he didn't even push her away but kiss her back.

"Y-yoongi.." You said tearing up walking up to them "Y/n you're here early" Yoongi said pulling the girl away surprised to see you there "That's not important Yoongi, care to explain yourself or why did you kiss that girl back when you have a girlfriend.." You said trying not to let the tears out but you clenched your fist trying to hold in your emotions.

"Y/n I really don't know what you're talking about I think you just saw stuff" Yoongi turned around and was about to walk away but you got his arm "Y-YOONGI I JUST SAW YOU KISS HER BACK AND DIDN'T PUSH HER AWAY I DESERVE AN EXPLANATION ...please.." You said holding his arm more tighter then you meant to but you were too upset, angry, betrayed, and hurt.

Yoongi turned to you, looking you straight in the eyes "I never loved you our whole relationship was fake and was just for an act or a bet" Yoongi said pulling his arm out of your grip "B-but Y-yoongi last night you told me you l-loved me.." You couldn't help it but let your tears slip out that they wouldn’t stop coming out.

"You really think my Yoongi would ever love you...knew flash hun Yoongi loves me and only me" Irene said while clinging onto Y-yoongi…. she's a b**ch and a slut you never really liked her…

"So does a favor Y/n and just leave out of our sight because no one wants to see your FATASS here anyways and do yourself a favor, lose some weight cause no one would ever date a pig like you" ...what Yoongi said stung to you, hurting like a mother trucker so you ran away from them and cried all the way home…

You searched for your keys in your backpack while wiping to tears away, unlocking the door "....great she could have at least picked up the beer bottles…" You sighed, kicking the beer bottles out of the way before closing the door behind you.

You may ask why you said that or kicked the beer bottles out of the way? Well your mom was an alcoholic ever since she found out your dad cheated on her with her ex best friend, your mom only found drinking alcohol would help her release her emotions when she was just hurting herself more.

"Good thing she isn't home or else she would be yelling at me…" You said softly walking up the stairs heading to your room, you threw your bag on the floor after you opened the door "I can't believe Yoongi did this to me…" You looked at your mirror, seeing all the pictures and notes that Yoongi gave you...why did he do this to you...just why…

You took everything off the mirror,throwing it in the trash bin afterwards. You looked at your body from the mirror with a frown "Who would ever want to date me when I look like this…" You were wearing your school uniform, even though you got it in more plus you still can see the un-prefect of your body.

"Maybe I should just end my life it's like no one would care right…" You said laughing dryly walking over to your restroom locking the door behind you, you opened the cabinet finding the razor you took off one of the sharpnesses.

"Maybe this will take my pain away or end my life already" Youpressed the blade against your wrist but you just couldn't bring yourself to do it, so you threw it  in the trash bin, sliding down the wall bringing your legs up to your chest.

"Maybe I should move to Japan with my grandma, maybe she can help me unlike my mother…"
You sighed, looking up at the ceiling deciding you should go to Japan, after a good thinking you decided to go to Japan.

Regrets || Min YoongiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin