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I step out of the elevator as Valentine lowers his guns completely. He continues to stare at me in shock. The way we ended causes a bitter chill to rock down my spine. I hear Destiny step out of the elevator, but I don't look her way as I keep my eyes on Valentine. Memories of us sweep through my mind, I try to keep my emotions void from my face.

"Poppy, what are you doing here?" I smirk as Valentine stumbles over his words, his eyes dart to Destiny for a moment as his face quickly hardens, hiding the softy I know. 

Well, that I knew

Hidden deep in his eyes, I could see it, the longing. The relief that I am still alive. It makes me wonder if he ever looked for me if he ever checked on me from a distance.

"Hunting," I vaguely state, Valentine gives me a half nod as he sets his guns down before his eyes go to Destiny before they land back on me, his lips start to part, but I don't allow him to get the words out.

"Don't ask, you know I won't tell who she is."

Valentine slightly nods as he leans against his desk and crosses his arms, making his muscles flex. He looks at me expectantly. "So what brings you here, I know I am not on your bounty list," He confidently states as he gives me an almost challenging smirk. 

I lift an eyebrow in acceptance of his challenge; I place my hands on my hips. "Actually, you're making your way to the top of my list."

My words cause Valentine to chuckle deeply, and I try to keep my composure. My feelings were still there for him, and I know they will always be there. Valentine was not someone you got over; he would always have a piece of you. He was the "what if" lover, the right guy wrong time lover. Someone you knew you could have had a future with, but something or someone got in the way of it. 

"Poppy darling, isn't it passed your bedtime?" Valentine teases in response, causing me to glare at him. 

"I don't have time for this Valentine, I came for answers," I state getting to the point, Valentine clears his throat and nods. Valentine understood I was on a time crunch; somehow, he could always read me.

"Are rogues kidnapping Lunas?" 

Something goes through Valentine's eyes, meaning he knows something. 

"Not exactly." I tilt my head in question at his response. Thankfully Valentine doesn't hesitate to answer. "We think it is a rogue, but just one, I've been trying to hunt the rogue down, but they don't have a pattern." 

I nod my head at him and open my mouth to say something, but an absolute brat that doesn't know how to shut the fuck up opens her own first. 

"How do we know that! You are probably taking the Lunas and breeding them to make an army to overthrow the royal family," Destiny accuses, and I give her a what the fuck face. I hear a deep low growl and quickly turn to Valentine to see him ready to kill her. In a second Valentine has her up by her throat and slammed against the wall, her eyes are wide in fear as I see her struggling to breathe. 

"Listen here, bitch. If I wanted to overthrow the royal fucktards, I would have done it years ago by my own damn hands. I am already a king. I have finally established some peace between rogues and packs, and I'm not going to fuck it up for my people for some sleazy castle and title when I already have my own." With every growl of a word, his hand seems to tighten around her neck, and I find myself slightly wishing to trade places with Destiny. 

I shake my head and rush to Valentine and quickly grab his arms, tugging at it for him to release her. "Alright, Valentine she gets it," At my voice, Valentine drops her, I hear her gasp for air. Valentine looks at me and sighs harshly. 

"She needs to leave."

I nod my head in agreement knowing the short fuse Valentine has. 

I give Valentine one last nod before roughly grabbing Destiny and dragging her to the elevator. I lock eyes with Valentine and don't look away until the doors close, and he disappears from my view. 


"Nice job on almost getting yourself killed," I mock as I cast a glance at Destiny as we walk away from the busy city of rogues. She immediately rolls her eyes and scoffs but doesn't say anything letting the silence surround us. 

My eyes twitch as a branch snaps to Destiny's side causing us both to freeze and look that way. Not a second passes before the silence is killed by violence as poodle wolves come through the trees, my eyes widen at the number of them. 

"Shit!" I yell and grab a not moving Destiny by the arm and pull her with me, my movements cause the shock to leave her as she follows suit as we tear out knowing the amount of poodle wolves were to much. I mean there were more than twenty for sure. 

I slide to a stop as poodles jump infront of us, soon enough surrounding us. 

"What," I start.

"The fuck," Destiny and I both finish as we look at the poodle wolves surrounding us. They growl and snap their jaws at us. I take out hidden daggers from my pants and Destiny extends her nails, making them claw like. She doesn't shift knowing her small human form is her only advantage to the huge poodle wolves. I look at her, we both try hiding the worry we both are feeling, we give each other a slight nood before turning our backs to each other. I let out a battle cry and Destiny lets one out as well as we quickly charge at the poodle wolves. They meet us half way. 

It's not long before we are quickly over powered and I feel pressure at the back of my head as I stab a poodle wolf. 


I blink open my eyes, I glare at my surroundings and look to my right to see Destiny, passed out. I turn my head and as my vision clears I see other women in cells surrounding the cell Destiny and I are in. I move my legs to sit up but the rough sheap scratching feeling on my leg causes me to look down. 

"Why the fuck did someone put carpet in a cell?" I spit loudly as I glare at the brown cheap carpet below me. 

"You wake up in a cell and yoour first question is about the carpet?" One of the girls, that I regconise as a missing luna, growls lowly as she glares at me. 

My eyes widen in relization as I spot all the missing Lunas in cells, three to a cell. I quickly slap Destiny up making her wake up sounding like she was just brought back to life. I give her a weird look before pointing to the girls. "Look we found the Lunas!" 

Destiny looks around at the girls and then at the cells before looking down with a confused look as she glares at the carpet. "Who the hell puts carpet in a cell." I hear a slap in the air as I turn and see one of the girls had face palmed. I then look back at Destiny as she loks up at the girls. "Now who is gonna find us?" Destiny questions out loud.

"No one if I can help it," My blood runs cold at the voice, my eyes widen and I freeze in place in disbielf. 


My computer was messing up so this is not edited. 


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